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1 | ROM {1 January -R} L.Cotta urges the senate to recall Cicero, but the motion is blocked by the tribune Atilius Serranus.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Fam_5.4'2, #:RedSen_5, #:RedPop_11-12, #:Dom_68, 84, :Att_4.2'4, #:Sest_72-74,* :Pis_34, :Leg_3'45;L Ascon_11;L { CAH_9'387.} |
2 | MAC {January -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.26 & Cic:Fam_5.4, letters from Cicero at Dyrrachium to Atticus and to Metellus Nepos. |
3 | ROM {23 January -R} Q.Fabricius proposes a bill for Cicero's recall, but Clodius dispels the assembly by violence; Q.Cicero is wounded in the fighting.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:RedSen_22, #:Sest_75-78,* :Mil_38; +Plut:Cic_33'3; +DioCass_39.6'1-7'3; { CAH_9'387.} |
4 | The tribune P.Sestius attempts to announce adverse auspices, but is wounded by Clodius' supporters.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:RedSen_6-7, 30, :RedPop_14, :Sest_79-83,* 85; Schol:Bob_122;L { OCD³.} |
5 | MAC {February -R} Document: Cic:Att_3.27, a short letter from Cicero to Atticus. |
6 | ROM T.Milo attempts to prosecute Clodius, but is obstructed by Metellus Nepos.
* Read Dio's account @ +Cic:RedSen_19, :Mil_38, 40; +Plut:Cic_33'3; +DioCass_39.7'4.* |
7 | Milo organises a band of armed supporters, and engages in street fighting with Clodius.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:RedSen_19, :Sest_85-87;* :Mil_38, :Off_2'58; Appian:BCiv_2'16; +DioCass_39.8'1; { OCD³.} |
8 | Sestius gathers his own band of armed supporters.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:RedSen_20, :Sest_84-85.* |
9 | GAL The Belgae form a coalition, in opposition to the Romans.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_2.1'1-5'3;* Plut:Caes_20'4; +DioCass_39.1'1-3; Oros_6.7'11-15; { CAH_9'387.} |
10 | CYP << Ptolemy, king of Cyprus, commits suicide and Cato takes over the island without resistance.
* Read Dio's account @ Strab_14'684;(6.6) Vell_2.36'6, 45'5; ValMax_9.4e'1; Plut:CatMin_35'2-3, 36'1, :Brut_3'2; Flor_1.44'4-5; Appian:BCiv_2'23; DioCass_39.22'2-3;* Festus:Brev_13'1; AmmMarc_14.8'15. |
11 | ROM Ptolemy Auletes comes to Rome, in order to seek support for his restoration as king of Egypt.
* Read Livy's account @ [Liv]:Per_104;* [Euseb]:Chron_167; ChronPasc_456'A; { Hölbl_p227.} |
12 | GAL Caesar relieves Bibrax, a town belonging to the Remi.
@ +Caes:BGall_2.5'4-7'3. |
13 | CAP Ariobarzanes persuades Gabinius, the new governor of Syria, to undertake a military expedition.
@ Cic:ProvCon_9. |
14 | ROM The senate meets in Marius' temple of Virtue, and passes a decree instructing provincial governors to protect Cicero.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:Sest_116-123, 128, :Pis_34, :Planc_78,* :Div_1'59; ValMax_1.7'5; Schol:Bob_136-137,L 166.L |
15 | GAL Caesar defeats the Belgae by the river Axona.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_2.8'1-11'6;* Plut:Caes_20'5; Appian:Gall_1'10;(23) +DioCass_39.1'3-2'2. |
16 | The Suessiones, Bellovaci and other tribes surrender to Caesar.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_2.12'1-15'2;* [Liv]:Per_104; +DioCass_39.2'2. |
17 | MAC Piso secretly orders the death of Plator of Orestis.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:HarResp_35, ~:Pis_83-84.* |
18 | PAL Gabinius suppresses a revolt by Alexander, the son of Aristobulus; Marcus Antonius displays outstanding bravery during the fighting.
* Read Josephus' account @ (?) Cic:Sest_71, :ProvCon_15; Joseph:BJ_1'160-166,* '244, '281-282, :AJ_14'82-88, '326; Plut:Ant_3'1-3; { CAH_9'395.} |
19 | ROM {July -R} The praetor L.Caecilius is attacked at the Ludi Apollinares, in a protest about corn shortages.
@ Ascon_48;L { CAH_9'389.} |
20 | The senate meets in the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, and summons citizens from throughout Italy to vote on a motion for the recall of Cicero.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:RedSen_24-27,* :RedPop_15-16, :Dom_14-15, :Sest_128-130, :ProvCon_22, :Pis_34-35, :Leg_3'45;L +DioCass_39.8'2. |
21 | Pompeius supports the campaign for Cicero's recall.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:RedSen_29,* :RedPop_16, :Dom_30, 69, :Pis_34, :Mil_39; +Plut:Cic_33'3; Schol:Bob_122.L |
23 | PER << Phraates, king of Parthia, is murdered by his sons.
@ DioCass_39.56'2; { OCD³; OHIH_p172.} |
24 | ROM {4 August -R} The citizens meet in a centuriate assembly, and vote in favour of Cicero's recall.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:RedSen_27-28, :RedPop_16-17, #:Att_4.1'4, :Dom_4-5, 75, 90, :Pis_35-36;* [Liv]:Per_104; Vell_2.45'3; Ascon_3;L (↓) +Plut:Cic_33'4; ~Appian:BCiv_2'16; +DioCass_39.8'2-3; [Vict]:VirIll_81'4; +Cassiod:Chr_697; { CAH_9'389; OCD³.} |
25 | ITA {5 August -R} Cicero arrives at Brundisium.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:Att_4.1'4,* #:Sest_131. |
26 | ROM Cn.Plancius is elected tribune.
@ Cic:Planc_26. |
27 | GAL The Nervii make a surprise attack on Caesar's army, but they are defeated with heavy losses.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_2.15'3-28'3;* [Liv]:Per_104; ValMax_3.2'19; Plut:Caes_20'6-10; Flor_1.45'4; Appian:Gall_1'11;(23) +DioCass_39.3'1-2; Oros_6.7'16; { CAH_9'388.} |
28 | PAL Alexander surrenders to Gabinius, who re-organises the government of Judaea.
* Read Josephus' account @ ~Joseph:BJ_1'167-170, 7'171; :AJ_14'89-91;* |
29 | ROM {4 September -R} Cicero receives an enthusiastic welcome on his return to Rome.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:Att_4.1'4-5;* :Dom_75-76, :Sest_131, :Pis_51-52; Vell_2.45'3; +Plut:Cic_33'5; Appian:BCiv_2'16; +DioCass_39.9'1; ChronPasc_456'A; { OCD³.} |
30 | ROM {5 September -R} Document: Cic:RedSen & Cic:RedPop, Cicero's speeches of thanks to the Roman senate and people.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:Att_4.1'5,* :Planc_74; +DioCass_39.9'1; Schol:Bob_108-110. |
31 | {7 September -R} The senate appoints Pompeius to be commissioner for the grain supply, at the proposal of Cicero.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:Att_4.1'6-7, :Dom_3-31;* [Liv]:Per_104; Plut:Pomp_49'6-9; Appian:BCiv_2'18; +DioCass_39.9'2-3, 54.1'3; { CAH_9'389-390; OCD³.} |
32 | Document: Cic:Att_4.1, a letter from Cicero to Atticus, describing his triumphant return to Rome. |
33 | {29 September -R} Document: Cic:Dom, Cicero's speech against Clodius, in defence of his right to rebuild his house at Rome.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:Att_4.2'2-4;* Cic:HarResp_12-13; Vell_2.45'3; Ascon_13-14;L (↓) Plut:Cic_33'4; Appian:BCiv_2'16; +DioCass_39.11'1-3; { OCD³.} |
34 | GAL Caesar attacks the Atuatuci, and forces them to surrender.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_2.29'1-33'7,* 5.27'2; +DioCass_39.4'1-4. |
35 | The Veneti and other tribes surrender to P.Crassus.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_2.34'1;* Plut:Caes_20'6; { CAH_9'388.} |
36 | ROM {October -R} Document: Cic:Att_4.2, a letter from Cicero to Atticus, describing plans for the rebuilding of his property. |
37 | Dion, the leader of a delegation from Alexandria, is murdered, allegedly at the instigation of Ptolemy.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:HarResp_34, :Cael_18, 23-24,* 51-55; { CAH_9'392=56?; Hölbl_p228.} |
37a | EGY ++ Topsius of Alexandria, the brother of Dion, is a famous wrestler.
@ Suda_T'850. |
38 | << Document: BD_52, a report of a disturbance, and complaints against Hermaiscus. { During the joint reign of Cleopatra and Berenice.} |
39 | The death of Cleopatra, the mother of Berenice.
@ [Euseb]:Chron_167; { Hölbl_p227; Bennett.} |
40 | SYR Antiochus is summoned to be the consort of Berenice, but dies before reaching Egypt.
@ [Euseb]:Chron_261;(↓) { ~Hölbl_p227.} |
41 | Gabinius prevents Philippus from going to Egypt; regarded by some as the end of the Seleucid dynasty.
@ [Euseb]:Chron_261,(↓) 263; Hieron:Chron_1924. |
42 | ROM Clodius stands as a candidate to be aedile for the following year.
@ +DioCass_39.7'3. |
43 | {23 November -R} Document: Cic:Att_4.3, describing violent attacks by Clodius on Cicero and his workmen, and retaliation by Milo. |
44 | GAL Caesar establishes his army's winter quarters amongst the tribes of Gaul.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_2.35'1-3;* +DioCass_39.5'1. |
45 | Caesar appoints Cavarinus as king of the Senones, and Tasgetius as king of the Carnutes.
* Read Caesar's account @ ~Caes:BGall_5.25'2-3,* 54'2. |
46 | ROM The senate decrees a public thanksgiving of fifteen days for Caesar's victories in Gaul.
* Read Plutarch's account @ +Caes:BGall_2.34'4; Plut:Caes_21'1-2;* +DioCass_39.5'1. |
47 | ILL Caesar visits Illyricum.
@ ~Caes:BGall_3.7'1, |
48 | ALP Ser.Galba is driven out of the Alps by the Veragri.
* Read Caesar's account @ ~Caes:BGall_3.1'1-6'5,* 8.50'4; +DioCass_39.5'2-4; Oros_6.8'1-5. |
48a | EGY {1 Choiak -E = December} The completion of building work in the temple of Horus at Edfu.
@ AET_8.13.J. |
49 | ROM Document: Cic:QFr_2.1, a letter from Cicero to his brother Quintus, describing a meeting of the senate. |
50 | Document: Cic:Fam_5.17, a letter from Cicero to P.Sittius. |
51 | == Cornelius Spinther changes his gens in order to become an augur.
@ +DioCass_39.17'1-2. |
52 | == The floruit of the orator M.Calidius.
@ +Hieron:Chron_1960. |
53 | == The consul Lentulus, named Spinther after his resemblance to an actor, displays vases and other works of art.
@ ValMax_9.14'4; Plin:HN_7'54, 34'44, 36'59. |
54 | == Ptolemy borrows money from Rabirius Postumus, during his stay at Rome.
@ Cic:RabPost_4-12; { Hölbl_p228.} |
55 | CYP == Cato scrupulously collects the wealth of Cyprus, in order to remove it to Rome.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Dom_23; ValMax_4.3'2; Lucan_3'164; Plut:CatMin_36'2-38'4,* :Brut_3'1-4; DioCass_39.22'2-4. |
56 | == Cato sells poison, while disposing of the assets of the kingdom of Cyprus.
@ Seneca:Contr_6'4;L Plin:HN_29'96.L |
57 | MAC == Piso, as proconsul, plunders the province of Macedonia, and loses part of his army.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Sest_71, :Pis_38-48,* 53, 84-88; Ascon_12;L { DPRR.} |
58 | ASI == Document: THI_179, a statue in honour of the proconsul C. Fabius, at Metropolis. |
59 | GLT ?? Deiotarus expands his power, and dominates the other tetrarchs of Galatia.
@ Cic:HarResp_29; [Caes]:BAlex_67'1; { By 58/57 B.C., Deiotarus was resisting attempts to restrict his power.} |
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