Pompeius   - in ancient sources @ attalus.org

This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts.
On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.

  Pompeius 3   (Q. Pompeius) - Roman consul, 141 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
141/_ Consuls: Cn. Servilius Cn.f. Caepio, Q. Pompeius A.f.
141/1 Pompeius succeeds Metellus as Roman commander.
141/3 Pompeius unsuccessfully attacks Numantia.
141/8 Pompeius attacks Termentia.
141/10 Pompeius captures Malia.
140/4 Pompeius suffers reverses at Numantia.
139/2 Pompeius agrees to a treaty with the Numantines, after his army suffe
139/4 The senate disowns Pompeius' treaty.
137/12 Q.Pompeius is brought to trial by Q.Metellus and others, but acquitte
136/3 rius takes his oppponents Metellus and Pompeius as legates to Spain.
131/3 Q.Metellus and Q.Pompeius are elected censors; this is the first time
130/5a The censors Q.Pompeius and Q.Metellus complete the census.
124/7 eral comments on the life of Q.Pompeius, who achieved political succe
    Within translations:
Cic:Acad_2.13   of Lucius Cassius and Quintus Pompeius ; indeed these people have a
Cic:Brut_96   eir elders. For Q. Pompeius, according to the style of the
Cic:Brut_263   of the censor Q. Pompeius, by one of his daughters, died
Cic:Font_23   and Quintus Metellus against Quintus Pompeius, ** the first of his
Cic:Font_27   the condemnation of Quintus Pompeius, which would have meant
Cic:Mur_16   as much worth in Q. Pompeius, a self-made man and a
Cic:Rep_3.28   was not aware that Quintus Pompeius had made a treaty and
Cic:Verr_2.5.181   man. [181] After him Quintus Pompeius, ** a man of obscure
Diod_33.17   [17] &   When Pompeius was preparing to besiege the
FastCap_p70   vilius Cn.f. Cn.n. Caepio , Q. Pompeius A.f. . . [140] &
FastCap_p72   L.n. Metellus Macedonicus , Q. Pompeius A.f. . . . (both
Oros_5.4   with the Numantines. 21 Although Pompeius had also but a short
Oros_5.8   Nasica opposed this measure, Pompeius promised that he would
Plut:Mor_200   to be consul, and asked Pompeius (who was thought to be
ValMax_3.7.5   compelled Q. Metellus, and Q. Pompeius, men of consular rank, who
ValMax_8.5.1   gave severe testimony against Q. Pompeius son of Aulus, who stood
ValMax_9.3.7   Spain, and learnt that Q. Pompeius the consul, his enemy, would
[Vict]:VirIll_59   which he had received from Pompeius, and led it off to

  Pompeius 6   (Q. Pompeius Rufus) - Roman consul, 88 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
91/38 The praetor Q.Pompeius prevents Q.Fabius from spending his inheritanc
88/_ Consuls: L. Cornelius L.f. Sulla, Q. Pompeius Q.f. Rufus
88/16 Scaevola discusses the split between Pompeius and Sulpicius.
88/17 ked by a mob of Sulpicius' supporters, who kill the son of Pompeius.
88/36 Sulla and Pompeius introduce a series of reforms at Rome, giving more
88/53 Q.Pompeius is murdered, allegedly at the instigation of Pompeius Stra
    Within translations:
Cic:Brut_206   Q. Caepio, and Q. Pompeius Rufus; though the latter compo
Cic:Brut_304   (?) although L. Memmius and Q. Pompeius spoke in their own
Cic:Brut_306   year, in which Sulla and Pompeius were Consuls [88 B.C.],
Cic:Clu_11   the consulship of Sulla and Pompeius { 88 B.C. , leaving
Cic:DeOr_1.168   tribunal of our friend Quintus Pompeius, the city praetor did not
Cic:LegAgr_1.10   the law, WHEN SULLA AND POMPEIUS WERE CONSULS, ** they have
Cic:LegAgr_2.38   of Lucius Sulla and Quintus Pompeius or afterwards. [39] By this
Cic:LegAgr_2.56   the consulship of Sulla and Pompeius." It will be for the
FastCap_p74   was later called Felix) , Q. Pompeius Q.f. . . Rufus -
Oros_5.17   the entire city, Cato and Pompeius now proposed a decree that
ValMax_3.5.2   act of disgrace, that Q. Pompeius, the city praetor would not
ValMax_9.7m.2   consul himself. When Q. Pompeius, the colleague of Sulla,

  Pompeius 7   (A. Pompeius) - tribune of the plebs, 102 B.C.
Diod_36.13 den to wear the crown by Aulus Pompeius, a tribune of the

  Pompeius 9   (Q. Pompeius Rufus) - tribune of the plebs, 52 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
52/6 The tribunes Q.Pompeius and C.Sallustius call for the prosecution of
51/2 T.Munatius Plancus and Q.Pompeius Rufus, the tribunes of the previous
Ascon_32   Plancus the orator, and Q. Pompeius Rufus, son of the daughter
Ascon_37   Milo. The same Munatius, and Pompeius, tribunes of the plebs, had
Ascon_37   made known. [8.]   Q. Pompeius, C. Sallustius, and T. Munatius
Syll_747.A   (73) Quintus Pompeius Rufus, son of Quintus, of
ValMax_4.2.7   that he showed to Q. Pompeius was laudable.  Pompeius had been

  Pompeius 10   (A. Pompeius) - a quaestor, honoured by the town of Interamna, (?) 82 B.C.
82/56 2510, an inscription in honour of A.Pompeius at Interamna in Umbria.

  Pompeius 13   (Q. Pompeius Rufus) - Roman praetor, 63 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
61/33 M.Caelius accompanies Q.Pompeius, the governor of Africa.
Cic:Sull_55   but to Lucius Caesar, Quintus Pompeius, Gaius Memmius, and by their

  Pompeius 14   (Sex. Pompeius) - a Roman commander against the Scordisci, late 2nd century B.C.
119/5 Scordisci defeat and kill Sex.Pompeius, but they are held in check
    Within translations:
Syll_701 (119/8)   he people honours Sextus Pompeius on account of his

  Pompeius 15   (Sex. Pompeius) - grandfather of the triumvir
  + Sextus
Cic:Brut_97 ritten speeches of Pompeius (though it must be owned they
Cic:Brut_175 eus Pompeius, the son of Sextus, had some reputation as

  Pompeius 16   (Sex. Pompeius) - uncle of the triumvir; Roman jurist, early 1st century B.C.
Wikipedia entry
  + Sextus
Cic:Brut_175   orator; for his brother Sextus applied the excellent geni
Cic:DeOr_1.67   he will consult with Sextus Pompeius, ** a man learned in
Cic:DeOr_3.78   is there that either Sextus Pompeius, or the two Balbi, **
Cic:Phil_12.27   conference I remember Sextus Pompeius, the consul's brother, a

  Pompeius 19   (Sex. Pompeius) - Roman consul, 35 B.C.
35/_ Consuls: L. Cornificius L.f., Sex. Pompeius Sex.f.
    Within translations:
ExcBarb_49B and the son of (?) Nerva Pompeius and Cornilius Libo and

  Pompeius 21   (Cn. Pompeius Strabo) - Roman consul, 89 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
  + Gnaeus
90/7 Cn.Pompeius is defeated by the Italians near Mount Falernus.
90/29 Pompeius defeats the Italians near Firmum.
89/_ Consuls: Cn. Pompeius Sex.f. Strabo, L. Porcius M.f. Cato
89/2 ttempts to encourage revolt in Etruria, but is defeated by Pompeius.
89/7 Vettius Scato meets and talks informally with Pompeius.
89/8 Pompeius defeats the Marsi.
89/26 Pompeius defeats a large force of Italians near Asculum, after which
89/33 The Vestini surrender to Pompeius.
89/34 The Paeligni surrender to Pompeius.
89/37 Pompeius grants Latin status to the Transpadanes.
89/39 Pompeius captures and sacks Asculum.
89/42 CIL_709, in which Pompeius grants Roman citizenship to a squadron
89/43 Pompeius grants Roman citizenship to P.Caesius of Ravenna.
89/49 The triumph of Pompeius Strabo, over the Picentes of Asculum.
88/53 mpeius is murdered, allegedly at the instigation of Pompeius Strabo.
87/20 Cn.Pompeius is summoned to defend Rome, but avoids engaging in battle
87/29 are repelled; a soldier in Pompeius' army discovers that he has kil
87/30 Pompeius establishes a Roman colony at Comum.
87/31 The greed and unpopularity of Cn.Pompeius Strabo.
87/32 Pompeius is killed, either by a bolt of lightning or by the plague
    Within translations:
Cic:Balb_50   Why ? Did not Cn. Pompeius, the father, after splendid achievements
Cic:Brut_175   lful speaker; and Cnaeus Pompeius, the son of Sextus, had
Cic:DivCaec_63   prosecute Lucius Flaccus; Gnaeus Pompeius was not allowed to
Cic:Font_43   Lucius Cato, and of Gnaeus Pompeius ; you will learn that
Cic:Phil_12.27   antagonistic citizens. Cnaeus is Pompeius, the son of Sextus,
CIL_1.709   .709 & Decree of Pompeius on citizenship (89 B.C.) :
CIL_1.857   .857 [ii] Hit Pompeius! CIL_1 .858 Latin
CIL_1.858   [iii] Bring safety for Pompeius ! CIL_1
Diod_37.2   victors, until Gnaeus Pompeius was made consul and comm
Diod_40.4   ius Magnus, son of Gnaeus, imperator, freed the coasts of
FastCap_p74   killed in battle [89] & Cn. Pompeius Sex.f. Cn.n. Strab
FastTr_p107   id.Jun. (12th June) 89 & Cn. Pompeius Sex.f. Cn.n. Strab
GranLic_18   to Cinna. [18] &# Pompeius accepted the order of the sena
GranLic_19   ptured the same day, but Pompeius would not allow Octavius
Obseq_56a   in the camp of Gnaeus Pompeius the sky seemed to fall
Oros_5.16   Upon the accusation of Cn. Pompeius, he was tried and found
Oros_5.18   10 The praetor Cn. Pompeius, under orders from the
Oros_5.19   On the other hand, Cn. Pompeius, who with his army had
Plin:HN_3.70   in the consulship of Gnaeus Pompeius and Lucius Cato {89 B.C.}
Plin:HN_7.54   already had the surname Strabo {cross-eyed} from the appearance
Plin:HN_7.135   led him captive in Gnaeus  Pompeius triumph after Asculum - albeit
ValMax_5.5.4   he was serving under Cn. Pompeius, and having slain a soldier
ValMax_6.9.9   When Asculum was captured, Cn. Pompeius, the father of Pompey the
ValMax_9.7m.2   approach the army of Cn. Pompeius, who had kept the army

  Pompeius 22   (Cn. Pompeius Magnus) - Roman consul, 70 B.C.; called "Pompey" in English
Wikipedia entry
  + Pompei , Pompeian
106/13 The birth of Cn.Pompeius Magnus.
90/44 Aristodemus of Nysa is one of the teachers of Cn.Pompeius Magnus.
87/24 The young Cn.Pompeius stops a mutiny in his father's army.
86/50 Cn.Pompeius is accused of embezzlement, but acquitted, and marries
83/8 Cn.Pompeius raises an army in Picenum.
83/9 Pompeius defeats L.Junius Brutus.
83/10 Pompeius joins Sulla, who honours him with the title of "imperator".
82/4 Sulla sends Pompeius to join Metellus in northern Italy.
82/11 Pompeius defeats Marcius at Senae.
82/23 Pompeius defeats Carinas near Spoletium, and then ambushes a detachme
82/30 lees to Africa, and the remains of his army are crushed by Pompeius.
82/42 Sulla persuades Pompeius to divorce Antistia and marry Aemilia.
82/43 but leaves when he hears that Pompeius has been sent against him.
82/46 Pompeius captures and kills Carbo.
82/47 Pompeius puts the poet Q.Valerius Soranus to death after questioning
81/5 Pompeius establishes law and order in Sicily; he is persuaded by Sthe
81/6 ROL_p138, an inscription in honour of Pompeius at Agrigentum.
81/10 Pompeius defeats and kills Domitius.
81/11 Pompeius invades Numidia and established Hiempsal as king.
81/17 Pompeius persuades his army not to mutiny after they are ordered
81/18 Pompeius rewards Hasdrubal of Gades and several others with Roman cit
81/19 Cn.Pompeius takes on the name Magnus ("the Great").
81/20 The triumph of Pompeius, for his victories in Africa.
81/43 Aemilia, the wife of Pompeius, dies in childbirth.
81/65 pens a school of rhetoric at Rome, which is attended by Cn.Pompeius.
80/1 Sulla's law about Pompeius' return is blocked by C.Herennius.
77/11 Cn.Pompeius is appointed to lead the government forces against Lepidu
77/12 M.Brutus surrenders to Pompeius, and is killed near Mutina.
77/13 Pompeius' soldiers slaughter the senators of Mediolanum.
77/31 Pompeius is appointed to share the command with Metellus in the war
76/1 Pompeius crosses the Alps.
76/5 Pompeius suppresses unrest in Gaul during his march to Spain.
76/7 Saguntum and other cities welcome Pompeius on his arrival in Spain.
76/11 and destroys a legion from Pompeius' army, along with its leader
76/13 Sertorius outmanoeuvres Pompeius and captures Lauro.
75/2 Pompeius spends the winter amongst hostile Spanish tribes.
75/9 Pompeius defeats Perperna and Herennius by the river Turia, near Vale
75/11 indecisive battle at Sucro between Sertorius and Pompeius.
75/16 Sertorius defeats Pompeius, but is then defeated by Metellus at Segon
75/21 Further skirmishes between Pompeius and Sertorius in Celtiberia.
75/25 Pompeius spends the winter in the territory of the Vaccaei, and write
74/19 Sertorius surprises Pompeius at Palantia and forces him to retreat.
74/20 attacks the combined forces of Metellus and Pompeius at Calagurris.
73/1 Pompeius spends the winter in Gaul, where supplies are provided to
72/11 The city of Gades furnishes Pompeius with supplies.
72/14 ius was a great general, but Pompeius eventually gained the upper han
72/32 Pompeius defeats and kills Perperna; he destroys the privates papers
72/38 Pompeius gives Roman citizenship to L.Balbus of Gades.
72/39 Pompeius gives Roman citizenship to Trogus, the grandfather of the
72/40 Pompeius treats the survivors of Perperna's army humanely.
72/41 C.Cornelius serves as quaestor under Pompeius.
72/50 The consuls confirm Pompeius' grants of Roman citizenship in Spain.
71/1 Pompeius captures the rebel cities of Uxama and Calagurris.
71/7 Pompeius leaves Spain, and sets up a trophy on the Pyrenees.
71/18 Pompeius arrives back in Italy, and defeats a force of slaves attempt
71/24 Pompeius and Crassus are elected consuls for the following year.
71/30 his soldiers, even though Pompeius and Crassus refuse to disband
71/49 ius", which provides guidance to Pompeius on the duties of a consul.
71/50 The triumph of Pompeius, for his victories in Spain.
70/_ Consuls: Cn. Pompeius Cn.f. Magnus, M. Licinius P.f. Crassus
70/10 Popular pressure forces Pompeius and Crassus to stage a public reconc
70/27 since Sulla's reforms, and Pompeius, though consul, comes with his
70/32 Pompeius and Crassus are again reconciled, after constant disagreemen
67/4 the Lex Gabinia, which gives Pompeius wide-ranging powers to suppress
67/6 Pompeius makes thorough preparations for the war against the pirates,
67/8 Pompeius' forces clear the sea of pirates, within the space of 40 day
67/9 onsul Piso tries to obstruct Pompeius' plans, but is forced to give
67/10 Pompeius proceeds to Cilicia, via Athens and Rhodes, where he listens
67/14 Pompeius defeats and subdues the remaining pirates, who had escaped
67/25 tans attempt to surrender to Pompeius, but Metellus asserts his autho
67/33 Pompeius settles the remaining pirates at Pompeiopolis (Soli), Mallus
67/34 M.Varro is rewarded by Pompeius for his achievements as a commander
67/47 nscriptions on the bases of statues of Pompeius, in Delos and Samos.
66/3 war against Mithridates to Pompeius; Cicero speaks in support of
66/8 Pompeius receives news of his new command, and starts to prepare for
66/9 Pompeius enters into negotiations with Mithridates, and makes a pact
66/10 Pompeius re-enrols the Valerian legion, despite its mutinous behaviou
66/12 Pompeius meets Lucullus in Galatia, and takes charge of the rest
66/13 Pompeius invades Armenia Minor, and forces Mithridates to retreat.
66/17 Pompeius inflicts a severe defeat on Mithridates, in a battle fought
66/20 Mithridates escapes from Pompeius and sets off towards the kingdom
66/21 Pompeius founds the city of Nicopolis on the site of his victory over
66/29 Pompeius meets Tigranes near Artaxata, and reinstates him as king of
66/34 Pompeius places his army in winter quarters, near the river Cyrnus
66/35 lbanians, makes an unsuccessful attack on Pompeius' winter quarters.
65/5 Pompeius attacks Artoces, king of the Iberians, and forces him to sur
65/7 Pompeius invades Colchis.
65/11 Pompeius attacks Oroeses, king of the Albanians, and defeats him agai
65/12 Pompeius agrees a treaty with the Albanians, and other nations border
65/16 Pompeius rejects a request from the Parthian king Phraates for a trea
65/17 slaughter a detachment from Pompeius' army, on the way from Colchis
64/1 Pompeius spends the winter at Aspis.
64/2 the fortress of Sinoria to Pompeius, who finds Mithridates' corresp
64/8 Pompeius organises Pontus as a Roman province.
64/9 Pompeius creates a city called Pompeiopolis in place of Amisus and
64/16 Pompeius grants territories to neighbouring kings: Deiotarus in Armen
64/17 Pompeius forces Antiochus of Commagene into submission, and makes an
64/24 Pompeius is received with enthusiasm at Antioch and Seleuceia.
64/25 Pompeius refuses to re-instate Antiochus Asiaticus as king of Syria:
64/26 into new negotiations with Pompeius, but continues to make ambitiou
64/31 Pompeius organises Coele Syria and Phoenicia as Roman provinces; Arad
64/34 Pompeius receives envoys from the Syrians, Egyptians and Aristobulus
63/9 Pompeius marches to Damascus, establishing Roman control over Tripoli
63/14 Pompeius receives envoys from Hyrcanus and Aristobulus at Damascus.
63/24 Pompeius prepares to fight against Aretas and the Nabataean Arabs.
63/29 Pompeius enters Judaea; Hyrcanus submits to him, but Aristobulus rema
63/30 Pompeius receives news of the death of Mithridates.
63/31 Pompeius stays near Jericho, and puts Aristobulus under arrest.
63/36 special honours are voted for Pompeius' victory over Mithridates.
63/41 Pompeius captures Jerusalem.
63/42 Pompeius enters the inner sanctuary of the temple at Jerusalem.
63/49 Pompeius appoints Hyrcanus to be high priest and ruler of the Jews.
63/50 Pompeius imposes Roman control over Judaea, and takes away Aristobulu
63/51 Pompeius leaves Scaurus to be governor of Syria.
63/65 Pompeius allows Pharnaces to become king of Bosporus.
63/66 Mithridates' body is sent to Pompeius.
63/67 Pompeius returns towards Rome via Pontus.
63/68 Pompeius investigates the trade routes to India.
62/6 Pompeius' settlement of Rome's eastern provinces and the neighbouring
62/9 cessfully proposes to summon Pompeius back to Rome, in order to resto
62/12 Cic:Fam_5.7, a letter from Cicero to Pompeius.
62/12a nother, very long, letter to Pompeius, boasting of his achievements
62/13 Pompeius hands out rewards to his army.
62/20 Metellus Nepos leaves Rome and goes to join Pompeius.
62/21 Sherk1_75, inscriptions in honour of Pompeius.
62/22 Pompeius visits Mytilene, where he honours Theophanes, and Rhodes,
62/23 Pompeius returns via Athens.
62/24 Pompeius divorces Mucia.
62/26 Pompeius requests a delay in the elections for new consuls, but this
62/28 Demetrius the freedman of Pompeius buys property and gardens at Rome.
62/31 Pompeius arrives at Brundisium, and dismisses his army.
61/2 Pompeius receives an enthusiastic welcome on his return to Rome.
61/4 ferring to pronouncements of Pompeius in an assembly and in the senat
61/7 Cato refuses a marriage alliance with Pompeius.
61/17 Pompeius supports Afranius and Metellus in the election of consuls
61/24 Pompeius celebrates a triumph over the pirates and Mithridates.
60/3 led by L.Lucullus, oppose Pompeius' attempts to ratify his settlem
60/16 Caesar reconciles Pompeius and Crassus, and together they form the
59/5 Pompeius and Crassus speak in favour of Caesar's law at an assembly.
59/11 Caesar passes a law to ratify Pompeius' arrangements in the East.
59/17 Pompeius marries Julia, the daughter of Caesar.
59/18 shows great respect towards Pompeius, following their marriage allia
59/28 Vettius claims to be involved in a plot to kill Caesar and Pompeius.
59/32a play, "To our misfortune you are Great", with reference to Pompeius.
59/46 icero unsuccessfully advises Pompeius to curtail his support for Caes
58/45 Clodius is accused to plotting to murder Pompeius.
58/46 Clodius turns against Pompeius, and prevents him from leaving his hou
57/21 Pompeius supports the campaign for Cicero's recall.
57/31 The senate appoints Pompeius to be commissioner for the grain supply,
56/1 Despite pressure from Pompeius and Lentulus Spinther, the Romans
56/4 Pompeius speaks in defence of Milo, who is prosecuted by Clodius for
56/10 Pompeius carries out a census of freedmen, in order to assess the sco
56/23 Caesar, Pompeius and Crassus meet at Luca, and agree to renew their
56/24 Pompeius instructs Cicero (via his brother Quintus) to abandon the
56/45 Pompeius and Crassus seek to be elected as consuls, although they hav
56/49 fter he is violently attacked by supporters of Pompeius and Crassus.
56/51 Pompeius successfully restores Rome's corn supply.
55/_ Consuls: Cn. Pompeius Cn.f. Magnus (II), M. Licinius P.f. Crassus (II
55/1 Pompeius and Crassus are elected as consuls, after an interregnum.
55/2 by violence, during which Pompeius is splattered with blood; Vatin
55/4 Pompeius sends a letter authorising Gabinius to assist Ptolemy'
55/9 brother Quintus, describing his meetings with Pompeius and Crassus.
55/31 Pompeius holds magnificent games to celebrate the opening of his thea
55/31a albus fail to be elected as consul, despite the support of Pompeius.
55/48 Pompeius passes a law about the selection of juries.
55/49 ors support a proposal made by Pompeius, as consul, about extortion.
55/50 ore the censors, bitterly criticises Pompeius' earlier ruthlessness.
55/52 ristodemus of Nysa gives lessons on grammar to the sons of Pompeius.
54/32 ia, the daughter of Caesar and wife of Pompeius, dies in childbirth.
54/41 but he is acquitted through bribery and the influence of Pompeius.
53/2 raises three new legions, one of which is sent to him by Pompeius.
53/4 auses riots by proposing that Pompeius should be appointed dictator.
52/_ Consuls: Cn. Pompeius Cn.f. Magnus (III), Q. Caecilius Q.f. Metellus
52/7 Caesar suggests that Pompeius should marry Octavia, the grand-daughte
52/9 timate Decree, and instructs Pompeius to levy troops throughout Italy
52/13 The senate appoints Pompeius to be sole consul.
52/16 Pompeius passes a law to set up special courts to judge cases of viol
52/18 Cato refuses an invitation to become one of Pompeius' advisers.
52/19 Pompeius marries Cornelia, the daughter of Metellus Scipio.
52/21 Pompeius passes a retrospective law to set up special courts to judge
52/32 aurus are convicted of bribery, in trials prompted by Pompeius' law.
52/36 Pompeius protects his father-in-law, Metellus Scipio, from charges
52/41 Pompeius passes a law forcing candidates for elections to appear
52/42 Pompeius passes another law, establishing a gap of five years after
52/44 Pompeius's command as governor of Spain is extended for a further fiv
52/47 ellus Scipio is chosen to be Pompeius' colleague as consul, for the
52/70 Ser.Galba pledges a sum of money to Pompeius.
52/71 General comments of Pompeius' third consulship.
51/19 Pompeius leaves Rome, but stays in Italy (including a visit to Arimin
50/12 Curio begins to insist that Pompeius should lay down his command
50/24 Pompeius falls seriously ill, while staying at Neapolis, and sacrific
50/25 Pompeius suggests to the senate that he might lay down his command
50/38 The senate asks Pompeius and Caesar each to send a legion to defend
50/47 of Curio, that Caesar and Pompeius should both lay down their comm
50/48 ent of the senate, authorise Pompeius to defend Italy against Caesar.
50/49 tribune brings about an open split between Caesar and Pompeius.
50/50 peech as tribune, Curio strongly denounces Pompeius and the consuls.
50/52 Pompeius tells the senate that he has only to stamp on the ground,
50/60 Cn.Piso prosecutes Manilius Crispus, a friend of Pompeius.
50/65 tus is sent into exile for speaking too freely in front of Pompeius.
49/3 ies in vain to arrange a reconciliation between Caesar and Pompeius.
49/5 The senate meets with Pompeius outside Rome, and authorises him to
49/6 and intentions of Caesar and Pompeius at the start of the civil war.
49/10 Pompeius and most of the senators leave Rome.
49/12 messages between Caesar and Pompeius, but they fail to reach an agre
49/18 Pompeius withdraws towards Brundisium.
49/22 attempts to obstruct the harbour in order to stop Pompeius leaving.
49/24 Pompeius leaves Brundisium, and sails over to Greece.
49/25 Dire portents as Pompeius is forced to abandon Italy.
49/44 Cicero and others leave Italy to join Pompeius.
49/48 Pompeius gathers reinforcements in Macedonia from many of the Roman
49/56 render to M.Octavius, one of Pompeius' officers, off the Dalmatian
49/61 elaying military action, and Pompeius does not trust him with a senio
49/62 kes some inappropriate jokes, while staying in the camp of Pompeius.
49/70 Pompeius sends his troops into winter quarters in Thessaly and Macedo
48/8 Pompeius reaches Dyrrachium shortly in advance of Caesar.
48/9 Balbus to start talks with Pompeius' army, but Labienus opposes any
48/15 forces Libo, the admiral of Pompeius, to withdraw from Brundisium.
48/16 abitants of Syria and Asia, as he prepares to join up with Pompeius.
48/18 Cornelia is sent by Pompeius to stay in Lesbos, until the fighting
48/19 Pompeius attacks Oricum and Lissus.
48/20 Pompeius and Caesar take up positions around Dyrrachium.
48/21 Caesar attempts to surround Pompeius with a line of fortifications.
48/29 Caesar attacks Pompeius' forces at several points, but fails to break
48/32 Pompeius launches a counter-attack and inflicts heavy casualties
48/35 Pompeius decides to follow Caesar to Thessaly, instead of returning
48/37 The over-confidence of Pompeius' army leads to disputes between the
48/39 Omens predicting the defeat and death of Pompeius.
48/40 Caesar decisively defeats the army of Pompeius near Pharsalus.
48/41 Caesar shows clemency in pardoning the survivors of Pompeius' army.
48/43 Cicero refuses to lead Pompeius' remaining forces, and hastily leaves
48/44 Pompeius goes to meet his wife Cornelia, on the island of Lesbos.
48/45 Pompeius decides to sail on to Egypt, to seek refuge with king Ptolem
48/46 Deiotarus leaves Pompeius, and returns home to Galatia.
48/48 Cato and Scipio go to Africa with the remains of Pompeius' army.
48/49 settles affairs in Greece and Asia Minor, while following Pompeius.
48/54 stratagem employed by Pompeius, to enable his army to cross a river
48/55 Vibius and Publicius both closely resemble Pompeius in appearance.
48/56 The associates of Pompeius include Atticus of Neapolis, Demetrius,
48/57 Calvus and Brutus make insulting comments about Pompeius.
48/58 marks about the character of Cn.Pompeius, one of Rome's most successf
48/59 Pompeius is killed, by order of the Egyptian government, as he attemp
48/60 Philippus and Cordus cremate the body of Pompeius on the sea-shore.
48/61 arrives at Alexandria, and is shown the severed head of Pompeius.
48/63 ilius Bassus escapes to Tyre, after serving in the army of Pompeius.
48/67 forces near Cyrene, after they hear that Pompeius has been killed.
48/79 tius passes a law, restricting the rights of supporters of Pompeius.
47/35 is chosen to be overall commander of the Pompeian army in Africa.
47/60 Caesar sells off the property of Pompeius and his other enemies.
46/52 full amount for the purchase of a house that belonged to Pompeius.
46/82 Caesar leaves Rome for Spain, to fight against the sons of Pompeius.
45/79 Caes:BCiv_, Caesar's commentaries on the civil war against Pompeius.
44/9 Caesar restores the statues of Pompeius.
42/8 condemns Theodotus to death, for his part in the murder of Pompeius.
Plutarch- PLUTARCH, Pompeius

  Pompeius 24   (Cn. Pompeius Magnus) - son of the triumvir; died 45 B.C.
  + Gnaeus
46/6 Cn.Pompeius fails to gain the support of king Bogud in Mauretania,
46/32 Cn.Pompeius crosses over to Spain, to rally his father's remaining
46/74 defeats Varus, an officer of Pompeius, in a naval battle near Carteia
46/88 Caesar to relieve Ulia, which is being besieged by Cn.Pompeius.
45/7 Omens foretell the defeat of Cn.Pompeius' army.
45/10 kirmishes between the armies of Caesar and Pompeius, near Soricaria.
45/11 Caesar destroys the army of Pompeius in a hard-fought battle at Munda
45/15 Cn.Pompeius retreats to Carteia, but is captured and killed.
    Within translations:
Cic:Fam_15.19   know what an idiot Gnaeus is; you know how he deems cruelt
Obseq_66   into the sky. The young Pompeius himself was defeated and killed
Oros_6.16   line of battle, but Gnaeus Pompeius escaped with a hundred horse.
Plin:HN_3.12   was taken with the younger Pompeius. The free towns are Old
Plin:HN_36.134   Julius Caesar defeated Cn. Pompeius {45 BC} occur stones
ValMax_9.15.1   after overcoming the younger Cn. Pompeius in Spain, had admitted the

  Pompeius 25   (Sex. Pompeius Magnus) - son of the triumvir; died 35 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
  + Sextus
48/38 Sex.Pompeius consults Thessalian witches.
45/20 Sex.Pompeius escapes into the interior of Spain.
45/43a sends C.Carinas to pursue Sex.Pompeius, who is gathering rebel for
44/6 inius Pollio to command his forces against Sextus Pompeius in Spain.
44/61 Sex.Pompeius defeats Asinius Pollio.
44/93 the terms of a truce with Sex.Pompeius, which is ratified by the
43/102 Sextus Pompeius uses his fleet to dominate the western Mediterranean
43/118 the proscribed join Sextus Pompeius after escaping from Italy by
43/53 The senate recognises Sextus Pompeius as commander of the naval force
42/15 Sextus Pompeius defeats the fleet of Octavianus near the promontory
42/22 Sextus Pompeius seizes control of the whole of Sicily.
41/2 cus and Domitius join Sextus Pompeius, along with the remains of the
40/8 tavianus marries Scribonia, the aunt of the wife of Sextus Pompeius.
40/14 Sextus Pompeius makes a raid on the coast of Italy, while Agrippa is
40/25 Menas, an admiral of Sextus Pompeius, makes more raids on Italy, and
40/29 Sextus Pompeius causes famine at Rome by his control of the sea, and
39/4 Sextus Pompeius distrusts Murcus, and has him killed.
39/7 The treaty of Misenum, between the triumvirs and Sextus Pompeius.
38/5 Menas deserts from Sextus Pompeius, and hands over Sardinia to Octavi
38/9 Octavianus prepares to renew the war against Sextus Pompeius.
38/11 enecrates, the admiral of Sextus Pompeius, defeats Menas near Cumae.
38/14 in a storm, after he is defeated by Sextus Pompeius near Messana.
38/18 Sextus Pompeius celebrates his victories with a magnificent sacrifice
37/12 Menas changes allegiance again, and joins Sextus Pompeius.
36/7 a storm; but Menas deserts from Sextus Pompeius for a second time.
36/9 ippa defeats Demochares, the admiral of Sextus Pompeius, near Mylae.
36/10 vianus is defeated by Sextus Pompeius near Tauromenium, and forced
36/12 linus, an adherent of Sextus Pompeius, is killed in battle after send
36/13 avianus, utters a prophecy to Pompeius after being mortally wounded.
36/14 decisively defeats Sextus Pompeius in a naval battle near Naulochu
36/27 Sextus Pompeius takes refuge on the island of Lesbos.
35/3 Sex.Pompeius attacks the officers of Antonius, and captures Lampsacus
35/7 Sextus Pompeius is captured by Amyntas, after being abandoned by his
35/8 Sextus Pompeius is put to death by M.Titius.
    Within translations:
Cic:Fam_11.1   nd, except indeed Sextus Pompeius and Caecilius Bassus,
Cic:Phil_5.39   power, when he restored Sextus Pompeius to his fellow citizens, to
Cic:Phil_5.41   extinguished, [41] and Sextus Pompeius Magnus, the son of
Cic:Phil_13.8   by his influence he induced Pompeius Magnus, a most noble youth,
Cic:Phil_13.10   State is likely to find Pompeius? In the one is modesty,
Cic:Phil_13.13   Massilia in order to meet Pompeius, and recognised that he was
Cic:Phil_13.34   "Or his son, should he be able to
Cic:Phil_13.50   propose this addition: "That Magnus Pompeius, the son of Cnaeus, has
Julian:Caes_326   Philippi: the defeat of Sextus, Pompeius's son, was a mer
Oros_6.16   9 His brother Sextus Pompeius, quickly gathering together a
Oros_6.18   19 After Sextus Pompeius had found his name among
Oros_6.19   crossed to Greece and ordered Pompeius, who after his defeat at
Oros_6.20   in Sicily the legions from Pompeius and Lepidus, had restored thirty
Plin:HN_7.178   and entreaties, he besought that Pompeius should come to him, or
Plin:HN_7.179   news to tell him. [179] Pompeius sent several of his friends,
Plin:HN_35.200   and Menecrates freedmen of Sextus Pompeius, and a list of others
[Vict]:VirIll_79   Macedonia. He overcame Sextus Pompeius, the son of Gnaeus
[Vict]:VirIll_84   [84]   Sextus Pompeius , after he was defeated

  Pompeius 31   (C. Pompeius) - a Roman senator, 49 B.C.
Joseph:AJ_14.239 iline tribe, [239] Caius Pompeius, the son of Caius, of

  Pompeius 32   (M. Pompeius) - an officer of Lucullus
Memn_30 though Lucullus sent Marcus Pompeius in pursuit of him.

  Pompeius   - in documents
CIL_1.1446 freedman of Lucius, and Marcus Pompeius Heliodorus. As
CIL_1.2510 CIL_1 .2510 Aulus Pompeius. Pedestal of marbl
THI_215 ow. [3] When Aulus Pompeius Paullinus, Lucius Calpur

Pompeiussee Bithynicus

Pompeiussee Longinus20

Pompeiussee Trogus

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