Inscription A was published in 1959 by H. de Meulenaere, "Les stratèges indigènes du nome tentyrite" (RSO 34). Details of inscription B emerged when it was put up for auction in 2020. The two statues are very similar in appearance. Pakhom was the father of Pamenches, whose titles are recorded in the inscription on another statue ( AET_4.22 ). The name of Pakhom's own father may have been Psais (Pȝ-šw). Inscription C on a statue of Pachompsais (Pakhom-Psais) is included here because several of his titles are the same as Pakhom's. For a discussion of the statues of Pamenches, Pakhom and Pachompsais, see I.S.Moyer, "Finding a Middle Ground: Perspectives on Ptolemaic Thebes", pp. 130-132 ( PDF ). The translation of A is taken from the DIA website; there is another English translation by G. Cafici, "The Egyptian Elite as Roman Citizens", no. IP-11 ( Google Books ). The translation of B is taken from the Sotheby's website. The translation of C is adapted from A. Farid, "Eine Statue des Strategen Pakhom-Pa-Schu, des Sohnes des Pakhom-Remet-Behedet" ( MDAIK 45, 1989 ) | ![]() |
[A] The prince and count; royal brother; general in chief; prophet of the statues of the pharaoh; guardian of the treasure of Horus of Edfu, the great god, Lord of the sky; and of Hathor, Lady of Dendera; prophet of Isis who resides at Dendera; prophet of Isis, Lady of Philae, and of the gods(?) of El-Kab; prophet of Hor-Sma-Tawy the child, son of Hathor; prophet of Hathor, eye of Re, mistress of the sky, regent of all the gods; prophet of Horus the Behdetite, the great god, lord of the sky; prophet of the gods and goddesses (?) who are in Edfu and the gods and goddesses who are in . . . ; Pakhom, son of the general Pȝ-srj . . .
[B] The prince, count, unique friend, brother of the king, priest of the god Ihy, the great, son of the goddess Hathor, and of Hor-Sma-Tawy, the child, son of Hathor, mistress of Dendera, the eye of the god Re, mistress of heaven, mistress of all gods; priest of Isis, the great mother, and of the gods of Iat-di {in Dendera} ; priest of the goddess Nut (?) . . .
. . . of the gods and goddesses in Dendera; priest of the goddess Nekhbet of El-Kab; priest of Isis, lady of Philae, and of the gods of Philae; priest of Horus the Behdetite, the great god, lord of the sky; Pakhom, the first troop leader {general}, son of the general Paschu . . .
[C] The hereditary prince, count, treasurer of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, the only friend, the syngenes {kinsman}, the first troop leader, the great governor in Dendera; the priest of Hathor, the lady of Dendera, eye of Re, the lady of heaven, the mistress of all gods; the priest of Horus of Edfu, the great god, the lord of heaven; the priest of Hor-Sma-Tawy, the lord of ḫd.t-ṋr, the great god in Dendera; the priest of Ihy, the great, the son of Hathor, and of Hor-Sma-Tawy, the young son of Hathor; the priest of Isis, the great, the mother of God, the lady of Iat-dj in Dendera; the priest of Osiris, the great god in Dendera, the dancer in the east and west, and of Ihy, the great, the son of Hathor, the great god; the priest of the gods of the temple of Dendera; head of the Treasury of Hathor, Lady of Dendera, and of Isis, the great goddess, and of Horus of Edfu, the great god, Lord of heaven, together with their temples; Pakhom-Pa-Shu, son of Pakhom-Re-met-Behedet, the strategos, his name shall remain before Isis forever.
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