Inscriptions from the time of the Roman Republic, translated by E.H.Warmington (1940). The numbers in red refer to the Latin text in the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.
C. Duilius, consul in 260 B.C. In honour of his naval victory over the Carthaginians at Mylae in that year. 'Columna Rostrata.' Marble. Found at Rome. Now in the Capitoline Museum.
. . . and the Segestaeans . . . he (Duilius) delivered from blockade; and all the Carthaginian hosts and their most mighty chief after nine days fled in broad daylight from their camp; and he took their town Macela by storm. And in the same command he as consul performed an exploit in ships at sea, the first Roman to do so; the first he was to equip and train crews and fleets of fighting ships; and with these ships he defeated in battle on the high seas the Punic fleets and likewise all the most mighty troops of the Carthaginians in the presence of Hannibal their commander-in-chief. And by main force he captured ships with their crews, to wit: one septireme, 30 quinqueremes and triremes: 13 he sank. Gold taken: 3,600 {and more} pieces. Silver taken, together with that derived from booty: 100,000 . . . pieces. Total sum taken, reduced to Roman money . . . 2,100,000 . . . He also was the first to bestow on the people a gift of booty from a sea-battle, and the first to lead native free-born Carthaginians in triumph.
Lucius Cornelius Scipio (later called Asiagenus), praetor in Sicily, 193 B.C. On a pedestal found in Sicily at Tusa (Halaesa). Now lost.
'Lucius Cornelius Scipio.' Statue set up by men of Italy to honour him.
Lucius Manlius Acidinus. On a pedestal of stone at Padua, but made in Aquileia. 181 B.C. or later.
'Lucius Manlius Acidinus, son of Lucius,' member of the Board of Three for conducting the colony of Aquileia.
Marcus Claudius Marcellus. On the plinth of a marble capital found at Luna. 155 B.C.
Marcus Claudius Marcellus, son of Marcus, consul for the second time.
Gaius Sempronius Tuditanus, consul of 129 B.C.; record of a dedication to the river-god Timavus for victory and triumph over the Iapydes of Istria. Saturnians.
On two fragments of a stone pedestal found near Aquileia. 129 B.C. Saturnians, variously restored by modern scholars.
. . . and the Taurisci and the Carni and the Liburni, whom he compelled to come down from the mountains to the shores of the sea, Tuditanus overcame four times there in thrice five days; overthrown were their camp and their banners and their counsels. And so he held a triumph at Rome, and he gave a temple to Timavus, restored to him his pristine worship, and entrusted it to overseers.
Marcus Minucius Rufus, consul in 110 B.C. Triumphed ovsr the Scordisci and Triballi in 109 B.C. On a pedestal found at Delphi.
'Marcus Minucius Rufus, commander, son of Quintus'. Dedicated in statue by the people of Delphi in token of his valour when he overcame the Galli and the Scordisti and the Bessi and the rest of the Thracians.
Exploits of Hirrus in 102 B.C. On stone found at Corinth. elegiacs. Suppl. by Lily Taylor, West, Dow, and Fraenkel.
Learn you of an exploit such as no man has attempted and no man will hazard hereafter, so that we may make wide renown of a hero's achievements. Under the command of Marcus Antonius, proconsul, a fleet was carried over the Isthmus and sent across the sea. Marcus himself set out upon his voyage to Sida. Hirrus, as propraetor, stationed his fleet at Athens because of the season of the year. All this was accomplished in a few days with little turmoil; sound strategy and safe deliverance attended it. He who is upright has praise for him, and he who is otherwise, looks askance at him. Let men envy so long as they have reverence for what is seemly.
Quintus Fulvius. On a stone pedestal near Calazzo. 2nd century B.C.
Quintus Fulvius, son of Quintus, grandson of Marcus, made declaration on these water-works in the presence of Publius Atilius, praetor of the city, son of Lucius.
Gaius Julius Caesar (father of the dictator). 98-90 B.C. On a pedestal found at Delos.
To 'Gaius Julius Caesar, proconsul, son of Gaius,' from the oil-merchants.
Lucullus, quaestor in Asia, 88 (?87)-80 B.C. On two fragments of a pedestal found at Delos.
‘Lucius Licinius Lucullus proquaestor, son of Lucius.' Statue set up by the Athenian people, by men from Italy, and by Greeks, who are in business in the island.
(i) On the pedestal of a statue found at Delos. 87 B.C.
'Lucius Cornelius Sulla, son of Lucius, proconsul.' Out of the money which the companies contributed and presented by general subscription.
(ii) On a pedestal found at Suessa. 83 B.C.
To 'Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, son of Lucius, commander-in-chief,' by public gift.
(iii) On a pedestal found at Rome. 82-79 B.C.
To 'Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, dictator, son of Lucius,' from the quarter of the Reservoir of Fundanius.
(iv) 0m a large pedestal. 82-79 B.C.
To 'Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, dictator, son of Lucius,' from his freedmen.
(v) On a pedestal found at Alba. 82-79 B.C.
To 'Lucius Cornelius Sulla the Blest, dictator, son of Lucius,' a statue set up by public gift.
Aulus Pompeius. Pedestal of marble. Interamna ? 82 B.C.
To 'Aulus Pompeius, son of Aulus,' of the Clustumine tribe, quaestor, protector of the borough of Interamna-on-Nar, because the whole borough was, through his services, released and preserved from the greatest dangers and difficulties.
This statue was set up by the last will and testament of Lucius Licinius son of Titus.
Pompeius Magnus. About 80 B.C.?
To 'Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, General,' from men of Italy who are in business at Agrigentum.
L. Calpurnius and Gaius Calpurnius. Found at Puteoli.
To 'Lucius Calpurnius Capitolinus, son of Lucius,' and 'Gaius Calpurnius . . . son of Lucius,' from the merchants who are in business at Alexandria and in Asia and Syria.
Quintus Numerius. Found at Utica.
To 'Quintus Numerius Rufus son of Quintus, quaestor,' from the mercenaries of the hamlets Muxum, Gususum, and Zeugeum. (?).
(a) Mithridates. On rectangular stone. Found at Rome. c. 83-80 B.C. Bilingual.
[i] From King Mithridates Philopator and Philadelphus, son of King Mithridates; a statue 'The Roman People,' on account of the friendship and alliance which now holds good between himself and the Roman People. Administered by the ambassadors Naemanes son of Naemanes, and Mahes son of Mahes.
[ii] From King Mithridates Philopator and Philadelphus, son of King Mithridates; a statue 'The Roman People' his friend and ally; on account of benevolence and beneficence towards him, the ambassadors being Naemanes son of Naemanes, and Mahes son of Mahes.
[iii] The common people of Tabae. Friend and ally of the Roman . . .
(b) The Lycians. On rectangular stones. Found at Rome. The first is now lost.
Bilingual. For the Greek version, see OGIS_551.
From the Lycian people, as a commune, restored to the freedom of their ancestors, a statue 'Rome' to Jupiter Capitolinus and the Roman people, because of their virtue and benevolence and beneficence towards the commune of the Lycians.
The Roman people, their kinsman, friend and ally, for to honour the same, on account of good will and kind services towards the Lycians and their commune.
(c) The Laodiceans. Tablet of stone found at Rome. Bilingual.
[i] From the people of Laodicea near the river Lycos; a statue 'The Roman People,' which people was their salvation, because of the kind deeds which it did kindly unto them.
[ii] From the populace of Laodicea near the Lycos; a statue 'The populace of the Romans' which have become its saviour and benefactor because of their virtue and good will towards it.
(d) Mysians. Marble pillar found at Nemi. Bilingual.
[i] To Gaius Salluvius Naso, son of Gaius, ambassador and propraetor from Abbaitae Mysians and Mysians of the Epictetos, because he preserved them in the war with Mithridates. For valour.
[ii] To Gaius Salluvius Naso, son of Gaius, ambassador and propraetor, from Abbaitae Mysians and Mysians of the Epictetos, because he watched over them well in the war with Mithridates. For valour.
(e) Ephesus. Tablet of stone. Found at Rome.
From the people of Ephesus; a statue 'The people of Rome' because of their salvation in that they maintained the freedom of their ancestors . . . Ambassadors: Heracleitus, son of . . . Hermocrates, son of Demetrius.
Julius Caesar. 44-42 B.C.? Found at Rome.
To the deified Julius, by order of the Roman people, this monument has been erected in accordance with the Lex Rufrena.
Julius Caesar. 44-31 B.C.? Found at Aesernia.
To the genius of the deified Julius, Parens Patriae, whom the senate and the people of Rome have registered in the number of the gods.
To imp. Caesar, son of the divine {Caesar}, from the brothers C. Papius Celsus and M. Papius Kanus, when Sicily was recovered.
Falacrinae?, near Reate. c. 89-50 B.C. Translated by P. Kruschwitz. The suggested restorations in the text are far from certain.
[When upon our city, with unjust] weapons, Italy [launched an] impious and wicked [war, thereby despising the sacred laws of gods] and goddesses, ... the Romans, ... [with great] valour, [won against the Italic tribes, bestowed a] sole father[land's citizenship upon them and thus brought them all] together. With the enemies dispersed and put to [rout], everyone [rejoiced]. Italy was freed [from great dangers]. The booty [of things and animals that had been amassed] grew further through a very great [quantity of gold and silver]. As these matters had gone well, [over many battles, in keeping with] your [sacred] promise, a [statue was deservedly decreed for you and ordered to be placed in this place by the magistri] themselves.
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