Text: (A) Louvre E 15863 [ TM 112276 ] , (B) [ TM 336339 ]
Provenance: Tanis Date: 80-51 B.C. Script: Hieroglyphic Translated by: (A) G. Cafici , (B) Z. Szántó Format: see key to translations Panemerit is mentioned in several texts, which make it clear that he lived during the reign of Ptolemy XII. For an assessment of his status and aspirations, see C. Fischer-Bovet, "Ptolemaic Officials and Officers in Search of Fame", pp.124-126.( academia.edu ). The translation of A is adapted from G. Cafici, "The Egyptian Elite as Roman Citizens", no. IP-7 ( Google Books ). The translation of B is taken from Z. Szántó, in "Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum", vol. 4, no. 170 ( Google Books ). | ![]() |
[A] To praise the god by the noble who does what the gods love, does good things on earth and in the Tanite nome, the governor in Khenty-labtet { Sethroite nome }, chamberlain of Amon-Ra lord of the thrones of the Two Lands, of Horus lord of Mesen, of Nebethetepet, in the district of Ranefer, prophet of Amon-Ra, lord of To-Bener, Panemerit the praised, son of Pensy, born to Sedjemeni, justified, the one chosen by the lord of Mesen, 5 the one who is raised on his arms and is joined to him. May his protection be around him in life, prosperity and health. Prince and count, sole companion, king's beloved, the one distinguished amongst the members of the entourage, noble, the great amongst the companions, . . . the governor who oversees the king's tributes, chamberlain of Amon-Ra, Horus and Nebethetepet, prophet, strategos, prophet of Amon-Ra, lord of . . . the one who fulfils the need for silver, gold, copper, wood, stone and all the things that are in the temple, the god's followers, the men who are in . . . The flood came, it flooded the fields, all the land flourished in every good thing this year. This was beneficial . . .
[B] The venerable, excellent, distinguished in his town, whose name is known by the people of his district, honoured, favoured before his lords Amun and Horus, who performs what they desire . . ., accountant-scribe in the region of Naret-Pehet and in its town (?), administrator of the fields of his Ennead, who creates prosperity in his town of Khenty-labtet {"the foremost of the East"}, who takes care of the matters of Amun and Osiris [... general] in chief, prophet of Amun-Ra, lord of To-Bener, Panemerit, to ask the sovereign that he may give an order to expel forever from the territory of your region the foreigners, who are called Jews . . .
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