Sestius   - in ancient sources @

This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts.
On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.

  Sestius   (P. Sestius) - Roman praetor, 53 B.C.
64/29 Vatinius and Sestius are elected as quaestors for the following year.
63/77 Sestius uses his army to prevent the new tribunes from fomenting more
62/29 letters from Cicero to C.Antonius, P.Sestius and M.Fadius Gallus.
61/19 Plancius and Sestius serve under Antonius in Macedonia.
58/64 Sestius attempts to win Caesar's support for Cicero's return.
57/4 The tribune P.Sestius attempts to announce adverse auspices, but
57/8 Sestius gathers his own band of armed supporters.
56/12 ive against Vatinius, who is appearing as a witness against Sestius.
56/13 icero's speech in defence of P.Sestius, who is accused of violence
Cicero,-   CICERO, Oratio pro P.Sestio
Cic:Cat_1.21   my excellent young friend P. Sestius, or to the gallant M.
Cic:Mil_38   and gallant gentleman, Publius Sestius, his colleague, had been
Cic:RedPop_15   Titus Annius and Publius Sestius, ** gentlemen of great
Cic:RedSen_20   spirit, and loyalty in Publius Sestius, ** who, in the cause
Cic:RedSen_30   I to say of Publius Sestius, who displayed the kindness and
Cic:Sest_3   with the case of Publius Sestius and has omitted nothing which
Cic:Sest_31   what the case of Publius Sestius has to do with the
Cic:Sest_71   was then that Publius Sestius, gentlemen, tribune-elect undertook a
Cic:Sest_75   before daybreak. On that day Sestius, the man who is now
Cic:Sest_119   the high character of Publius Sestius, the greatness of his danger,
Cic:Vat_2   For granting that Publius Sestius had wrongly suspected you,
Cic:Vat_11   remember that when Publius Sestius was unanimously elected quaestor
Cic:Vat_41   Titus Annius and Publius Sestius have always acted together
Schol:Bob_125   OF SESTIUS [125] & P.Sestius was very well-disposed
Schol:Bob_126   seem right and necessary for P.Sestius to have had a band

  Sestius 2   (L. Sestius Quirinalis) - suffect consul, 23 B.C.
Wikipedia entry
42/31 C.Velleius and L.Sestius are associates of Brutus.
    Within translations:
Cic:Sest_10   out, I beg you, Lucius Sestius, the resolutions of the decurions
FastCap_p80   ivi f. C.n. XI - resigned , L. Sestius P.f. L.n. Quirinali

  Sestius   - in documents
CIL_1.1385 ands, is the property of Gaius Sestius, son of Gaius.

Sestiussee Capitolinus3

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