Ionia   - in ancient sources @

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  Ionia   - a region on the west coast of Asia Minor, colonised by Greeks
Wikipedia entry
  + Ionian , Ionians , Ionic
303/4 Earthquakes in Ionia.
288/11 (Syll_368), decrees of the Ionian League in honour of Hippodamus
286/1 Demetrius wins over Ionia and Sardis.
270/10 Smyrna is accepted as a new member of the Ionian League.
261/18 a decree of the League of Ionians commemorating the birthday of
246/34 Antiochus grants rights of citizenship to the Greeks(?) in Ionia.
166/1 OGIS_763, a letter from Eumenes II to the Ionian League.
143/15a 53.1312.B, a decree of Metropolis in Ionia, in honour of Apollonius.
Inscriptions,- INSCRIPTIONS, Ionia
[Longin]:Subl_22   a razor's edge, men of Ionia, whether we be free men
Aelian:NA_11.19   treated so impiously the Ionians who had come to them, and
AET_4.12   (41)   e of the kings of the Ionians {the Greek kings} w
AET_4.13   of the kings of the Ionians the Greek kings which is
AnthPal_9.424   the most besung of all Ionian cities ! All, like rolling
AntipSid_7.27   Same Anacreon, glory of Ionia, may you among the dead be
AntipThes_9.790   roclus, the queen of the Ionians, swift in battle, most
Apollod:Fr_63   lapsed; and he lived after the Ionian migration. But Arist
Athen_5.201   ities, some of cities of Ionia, and other Greek towns, as
Athen_10.440   the artificial luxury of the Ionians. [55.] On which acc
Athen_11.478   among the Aetolians and some Ionians, which, like it, has only
Athen_11.784   is also a city in Ionia named Arystis.
Athen_12.517   Here comes a very rich Ionian, who makes
Athen_12.519   and of foreigners to the Ionians, because they were devote
Athen_12.524   the whole nation of the Ionians in that play, says - 
Athen_12.525   the comedians) many of the Ionians, says 
Athen_12.526   the luxury of all the Ionians, has the following lines
Athen_12.531   and for many musicians from Ionia, and for other girls from
Athen_12.534   that when he was in Ionia, he was more luxurious than
Athen_12.539   letters to the cities in Ionia, and to the Chians first
Athen_13.573   ion to you, Cynulcus, an Ionian story (spinning it out,
Athen_13.576   lows:- "The Phocaeans in Ionia, having consulted the oracl
Athen_13.594   man in common; and the Ionians being amazed at this, as
Athen_14.620   ore his time were called Ionic poems, such as those of Ale
Athen_14.624   Dorians, Aeolians, and Ionians : and accordingly there
Athen_14.625   the Milesians, which the Ionians display, being very proud
Athen_14.629   There was also an Ionian kind of dance practised at drink
Athen_14.644   75;ta) for you. But the Ionians, as Seleucus tells us in
Athen_14.650   to that fruit which in Ionia is called hamamēlis;
Athen_15.665     Accompanies it with an
Athen_15.678   garlands by the Aeolians and Ionians, and they wear such around
Athen_15.683   as follows concerning the Ionian nymphs and concerning roses:-
Cic:Flac_64   considered to be of the Ionian race. The second are called
DiogLaert_7.56   Attics say thalatta, and the Ionians say hēmerē
DiogLaert_10.10   three times across to Ionia to see his friends, who use
Euseb]:Chron_179   dae until the migration of the Ionians, there are (?) 60
Euseb]:Chron_185   In his reign, the Ionians were driven out of Achaea, and
Euseb]:Chron_189   until the settling of Ionia [1043 B.C.]; there are 159
Euseb]:Chron_243   ong with the rest of the Ionians [? Greeks] who had been
Joseph:AJ_12.125   for when the people of Ionia were very angry at them,
Joseph:BJ_1.425   liberality through all Ionia? and that according to ever
Just_2.5   Macedonia, and defeated the Ionians in a fight at sea.
Just_2.12   ving discovered that the Ionians, on whose account they
Just_5.2-5 *   onians' fleet; "for the Ionians," he said, "should be cal
Just_38.7   opulence of Lydia and Ionia, which they were not going
Menander:Fr_462   is captivated by limpets. An Ionian is a wealthy wanton; for
Nepos_1.3   had brought with him from Ionia and Aeolis. 2 To each
Nepos_1.4   with their help that the Ionians had taken Sardis and slain
Nepos_7.4   the Lacedaemonians separated the Ionian cities from their alliance
Nepos_7.5   his colleagues, had recovered Ionia, the Hellespont, and, besides,
Nepos_9.2   went to Pharnabazus, satrap of Ionia and Lydia, who was also
Nepos_9.5   to plot the restoration of Ionia and Aeolia to the Athenians. 
Nepos_14.2   by Ariobarzanes, governor of Lydia, Ionia and all Phrygia, he kept
Nicand:Ge_74   ows : But the flowers of Ionia you should sow, and all suc
OGIS_54   (c. 246)   ia and Pamphylia and Ionia and the Hellespont and T
Oros_2.8   struggle he also conquered the Ionians. Next he directed his arms
Oros_2.10   general, now learned that the Ionians were sending a fleet, ready
Oros_2.16   head of the government of Ionia and of Lydia to succeed
Plin:HN_5.103   coast is Caria and then Ionia and beyond it Aeolis. Caria
Plin:HN_5.112   At the Gulf of Iasus Ionia begins. It has a winding
Plin:HN_5.135   [135] Off the coast of Ionia are Aegeae and Corseae, and
Plin:HN_6.215   Tmolus, Lydia, Caria, Ionia, Tralles, Colophon, Ephesus,
Plin:HN_35.75   into three groups, the Ionic, Sicyonian and Attic. [76]
Plut:Mor_174   vaded him, solicited the Ionian tyrants that they would
Polyaen_1.24.1   med a plan to incite the Ionians to revolt; but he was at
Polyaen_1.30.7   AthPol_22'7] & When the Ionians fought under Xerxes in
Polyaen_1.30.8   Athenians, embarked for Ionia, without making himself kno
Polyaen_1.33.1   means of detaching the Ionians from their support of the
Polyaen_1.47.2   off with his army for Ionia; but then he returned secre
Polyaen_2.37.1   und that there were some Ionians lying in ambush, whom he
Polyaen_6.10.1   for which he hired from Ionia the most celebrated wrestle
Polyaen_6.49.1   enus, who governed Ionia for Alexander, demanded that the
Polyaen_7.20.1   rying to stir up the Greeks in Ionia against him. To disco
Polyaen_7.45.1   rom corrupting the rest of the Ionians. [see also: Herodot
Polyaen_8.35.1   considerable body of the Ionians, who inhabited Miletus,
Polyaen_8.43.1   Chrysame. When the Ionian colonists came to Asia, Cnopus,
RC_52   (167/6) o the League of the Ionians, greeting].   Of your envoy
SEG_32.491.B   (c. 145) the] Dionysiac artists [in Ionia and] the Hellespont, and t
SEG_35.926   (c. 289)   by the league of the Ionians: since Hippodamos of
SEG_63.949   (c. 190) by the league of the Ionians: since the Kolophonians, who are
Syll_405   (277)   okrates, Eupeithidas Ionians: Phoi..., (?) Sosibios
Syll_412   (c.260)   ple of Erythrai in Ionia honour Neoptolemos the son
Syll_507   (c. 237/6)   who are enrolled [in Ionia and] on the Hellespont,
Syll_532   (218/7)   stodama of Smyrna in Ionia, the daughter of Amyn
THI_11.A   (c. 20) - the first of the Ionians to achieve
Timoth:Pers_139   with tracking down the Ionian speech : 'I me to thee how
Timoth:Pers_202   welve-walled people [the Ionians] that is chief among the

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