
Archons of Athens and Delphi, 300-151 B.C.

This table is intended to provide some justification for the dates assigned to Greek inscriptions on this website. Although hundreds of important inscriptions have survived from the third century B.C., putting them in chronological order can be tricky and controversial. Many of the inscriptions come from either Athens or Delphi, both of whom dated years by the name of their eponymous archon, and over the last 100 years scholars have put a lot of effort into reconstructing lists of these archons. During the third century, the Aetolians took increasing control of the government of Delphi, and therefore the annual generals (strategoi) of the Aetolian League have been included in the table. Unlike the archons, the Aetolian generals often held office more than once.

Note that some of the dates in the table are still conjectural: there are brief comments on the reliability of the dates in the Biblography. Archons whose names occur more than once are flagged with an asterisk.


  1. Table of Dates
  2. Unplaced Archons
  3. Bibliography
  4. Index of Names:   Athens   -   Delphi   -   Aetolian League

1. Table of Dates

B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
  300/299   Hegemachos ( see below ) ?
299/8 Euktemon ? ?
298/7 Mnesidemos ? ?
297/6 Antiphates ? ?
296/5 Nikias * ? ?
295/4 Nikostratos ? ?
294/3 Olympiodoros * ? ?
293/2 Olympiodoros (II) * ? ?
292/1 Philippos ? ?
291/0 (?) Charinos ? ?
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
290/89 (?) Ambrosios ( see below ) ?
289/8 (?) Aristion ? ?
288/7 Kimon * ? ?
287/6 Xenophon ? (?) Charixenos (I)
286/5 Diokles * ? ?
285/4 Diotimos ? ?
284/3 Isaios ? ?
283/2 Euthios ? ?
282/1 Nikias * ? ?
281/0 Ourias ? Charixenos (II)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
280/79 (?) Telokles ? ?
279/8 Anaxikrates ? Euthydamos
278/7 Demokles (?) Hieron ?
277/6 Aristonymos Aristagoras * Polykritos (I)
276/5 Philokrates Charixenos * ?
275/4 Olbios ..ochos ?
274/3 Euboulos * Herakleidas * ?
273/2 Glaukippos Archiadas Dorkinas
272/1 Lysitheides Eudokos Skopas
271/0 Pytharatos (?) Erasippos Polykritos (II)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
270/69 Sosistratos Straton Charixenos (III)  
269/8 (?) Peithidemos Athambos ?
268/7 (?) Diogeiton Thessalos ?
267/6 Menekles Eukles (?) Oikiadas
266/5 Nikias Otryneus * Aristion * ?
265/4 Euboulos * Archelas * ?
264/3 Diognetos (?) Damaios Arkison (I)
263/2 Antipatros Damosthenes Polykritos (III)
262/1 Arrheneides Pleiston Trichas
261/0 ...sinos Charixenos * Alexandros (I)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
260/59 Philostratos Peithagoras ?
259/8 Philinos (?) Xenochares * Lykopos (I)
258/7 Antiphon (?) Ameinias ?
257/6 Thymochares (?) Kallikles * Physkos
256/5 Antimachos ? Arkison (II)
255/4 Kleomachos ? Charixenos (I)
254/3 Phanostratos Aristagoras { or 256/5 } Polykritos (IV)
253/2 Pheidostratos ? Alexandros (II)
252/1 Kallimedes Emmenidas * { or 255/4 } Lykopos (II)
251/0 Thersilochos (?) Aristion * ?
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
250/49 Polyeuktos Nikodamos { or 254/3 } ?
249/8 Hieron Kallikles * { or 252/1 } ?
248/7 Diomedon Kleondas { or 253/2 } Charixenos (II)
247/6 Theophemos Dion { or 251/0 } Polykritos (V)
246/5 Philoneos ? Neoptolemos (I)
245/4 Kydenor (?) Praochos Alexandros (III)
244/3 Lysiades ? Lykopos (III)
243/2 Eurykleides (?) Nikaidas ?
242/1 Phanomachos (?) Amyntas Pantaleon (I)
241/0 Lykeas ? Charixenos (III)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
240/39 Polystratos ( see below ) Timaios
239/8 Athenodoros ? Neoptolemos (II)
238/7 Lysias Aiakidas
237/6 Alkibiades ? Lykopos (IV)
236/5 Kimon * ? ?
235/4 Ekphantos ? Pantaleon (II)
234/3 Lysanias ? Charixenos (IV)
233/2 ? (?) Herys ?
232/1 (?) Mneseides ? ?
231/0 (?) Iason ? Agelaos (I)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
230/29 ? ? ?
229/8 ? ? ?
228/7 Heliodoros ? Pantaleon (III)
227/6 Leochares ? ?
226/5 Theophilos ? Syagros
225/4 Ergochares (?) Kallias ?
224/3 Niketes ? Agelaos (II)
223/2 Antiphilos ? Pyrrias (I)
222/1 Euxenos ? Pantaleon (IV)
221/0 ? ? Ariston
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
220/19 Thrasyphon ? Skopas (I)
219/8 Menekrates ? Dorimachos (I)
218/7 Chairephon ? Agetas (I)
217/6 Kallimachos ? Agelaos (III)
216/5 ? ? ?
215/4 Hagnias ? Pyrrias (II)
214/3 Diokles * ? Pantaleon (V)
213/2 Euphiletos (?) Anaxandridas Straton
212/1 Herakleitos (?) Nikodamos * Skopas (II)
211/0 Archelaos ? Dorimachos (II)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
210/09 Aischron ? Pyrrias (III)
209/8 Sostratos (?) Alexeas Philleas
208/7 ? Athanion Ma....s
207/6 Kallistratos * Babylos Menestratos
206/5 Pantiades Polykleitos Agelaos
205/4 Isokrates (?) Archelas * Skopas (III)
204/3 Diodotos * (?) Damokrates Alexandros (I)
203/2 Apollodoros Megartas Thoas (I)
202/1 Proxeneides Euangelos * Dorimachos (III)
201/0 ( see below ) Philaitolos Agetas (II)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
200/199 ? Mantias * Damokritos (I)
199/8 ? Hybrias Chalepos
198/7 ? Orthaios * Phaineas (I)
197/6 Sositeles Emmenidas * Alexamenes
196/5 Tychandros Orthaios *
  son of Mantias
Alexandros (II)
195/4 (?) Nikophon Diodoros Dikaiarchos (I)
194/3 Archippos Peithagoras Thoas (II)
193/2 Phanarchides Ekephylos Damokritos (II)
192/1 Diodotos * Kleodamos * Phaineas (II)
191/0 (?) Dionysios Phainis * Archedamos (I)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
190/89 Achaios Kallikrates Nikandros (I)
189/8 Euthykritos Xenon * Eupolemos (I)
188/7 Symmachos Kleodamos * Archedamos (II)
187/6 Theoxenos Peisilas Dikaiarchos (II)
186/5 Zopyros Nikoboulos Pantaleon (I)
185/4 Eupolemos Eukrates Alexandros (III)
184/3 (?) Charikles Kraton * Nikandros (II)
183/2 Hermogenes Aristainetos Proxenos
182/1 Timesianax Damosthenes   Archedamos (III)
181/0 Hippias Andronikos * Thoas (III)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
180/79 (?) Demetrios Mantias * Pantaleon (II)
179/8 Menedemos Euangelos * Lochagos
178/7 Philon * Praxias Lykiskos (I)
177/6 Chairippos Melission Nikandros (III)
176/5 Hippakos Xenochares * Eupolemos (II)
175/4 Sonikos Archelas * Archedamos (IV)  
174/3 Alexandros Sosinikos Pantaleon (III)
173/2 Alexis Aiakidas Thoas (IV)
172/1 Sosigenes Kleophanes (?) Lykiskos (II)
171/0 Antigenes Menes Proandros
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
170/69 (?) Timouchos Laiadas Agelaos
169/8 Eunikos Kleodamos * (?) Hagelochos
168/7 Xenokles Kleon (?) Polemarchos
167/6 Nikosthenes Xeneas Panaitolos
166/5 Epainetos Theuxenos Straton (I)
165/4 Pelops (?) Pyrros Hybistas
164/3 Euergetes (?) Archon * (?) Antochos
163/2 Erastos (?) Euangelos * Tisippos (I)
162/1 Poseidonios (?) Emmenidas * Phylax (I)
161/0 Aristolas (?) Menestratos Trichas (I)
B.C. Athens Delphi Aetolian League
160/59 ? (?) Andronikos * Damotimos
159/8 Aristaichmos (?) Amphistratos Straton (II)
158/7 Pyrrhos Archon * Ladikos (I)
157/6 Anthesterios Patreas Kritolaos
156/5 Kallistratos * Herys Tisippos (II)
155/4 Mnesitheos Athambos Phylax (II)
154/3 ? Philokrates Alexandros
153/2 Phaidrias (?) Eudoros * Trichas (II)
152/1 (?) Andreas (?) Archias Kleudamos
151/0   (?) Zaleukos (?) Dexondas Ladikos (II)

2. Unplaced Archons

These archons can be assigned to an approximate period, but not to an exact year.

201-198 : Ankylos, Euandros, Philon

315-280 : Achaimenes * , Ainesilas , Aischriondas , Dexippos , Diodoros , Diokles , Dioscouridas , Euboulidas , Herakleidas * , Hierondas , Hieros , Hippotas , Ison , Kleoboulos , Kriton , Lyson * , Melision , Orestas , Ornichidas , Peisilas , Sarpadon , Sylochos , Theuteles , Timokrates , Timon , Xenochares * , Xenokles
290-280 : Archidamos
240-230 : Achaimenes * , Androtimos , Ariston , Damotimos , Iatadas , Kraton *
240-210 : Alexarchos , Battos , Euagoras , Eudoros , Euthyon , Herakleidas * , Kalleidas , Kallieros , Lyson * , Onymokles , Patrondas , Phainis * , Phrikidas , Sotion , Xenon *
228-223 : Nikarchos

3. Bibliography


The chronology of the Athenian archons in the third and second centuries B.C. was mostly established by B.D.Merritt. There remained a few periods (270-240 B.C., and the start and middle of the second century) where the order was uncertain. These have been clarified by more recent studies; but research is still continuing, and the archons for some years remain unknown.

K.Hallof, IG II3 1.5, index 6B (2012) [ for 209-168 ]

M.J.Osborne, The Archons of Athens, 300/299-228/7 (ZPE, 2009)

M.J.Osborne, The Date of the Athenian Archon Thrasyphon (ZPE, 2008) [ for 228-210 ]

C.Habicht, The Eponymous Archons of Athens from 159/8 to 141/0 ( Hesperia, 1988 - online )

B.D.Meritt, Athenian Archons 347/6-48/7 (Historia, 1977) [ for 167-160 ]

  { There is also the following article, which continues Meritt's list from 60 B.C. onwards: }

S.Follet, Deux inscriptions attiques inédites copiées par l'abbé Michel Fourmont ( 2005 - Persée )

  { More recently, a list for the whole period has been published in this book: }

J.L.Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities ( 2021 )


It is extremely difficult to establish accurate dates for the archons of Delphi. Little is certain in the third century, outside the years 278-257, although some of the archons between 254 and 229 have been narrowed down to a choice of two years, a "high date" and a "low date". However, it is possible to reconstruct the list for the first half of the second century almost completely, using the information in the "Proxeny List" ( Syll_585 ).

J.B.Scholten, The Politics of Plunder (2000)   [ for 279-241 ]

F.Lefevre, La chronologie du IIIe siècle à Delphes, d'après les actes amphictioniques 280-200 ( BCH,1995 - online )

D.Mulliez, La chronologie de la prêtrise IV (170/69-158/7) et la date de la mort d'Eumène II ( Topoi,1998 - online )

G.Daux, Chronologie Delphique (Fouilles de Delphes, 1943 - online )
  [ the sections relevant to this table are F - p.22 , G - p.33 , H - p.40 , K - p.43 and L - p.49 ]

Aetolian League

Unlike the archons, the Aetolian generals were often important figures in international politics, and therefore their dates can be fixed with more certainty, although there are still some gaps in our knowledge, especially in the earlier part of the 3rd century.

J.D.Grainger, The League of the Aitolians (1999)

4. Index of Names

Athens   -   Delphi   -   Aetolian League


If the name of an archon occurs more once, the secretary for the year is shown in brackets, where known. Athenian inscriptions usually include the name of the secretary for the year, as well as the archon.

Achaios : 190/89 Aischron : 210/09 Alexandros : 174/3 Alexis : 173/2
Alkibiades : 237/6 Ambrosios : 290/89 Anaxikrates : 279/8 Andreas : 152/1
Ankylos : 201-197 Anthesterios : 157/6 Antigenes : 171/0 Antimachos : 256/5
Antipatros : 263/2 Antiphates : 297/6 Antiphilos : 223/2 Antiphon : 258/7
Apollodoros : 203/2 Archelaos : 211/0 Archippos : 194/3 Aristaichmos : 159/8
Aristion : 289/8 Aristolas : 161/0 Aristonymos : 277/6 Arrheneides : 262/1
Athenodoros : 239/8 Chairephon : 218/7 Chairippos : 177/6 Charikles : 184/3
Charinos : 291/0 Demetrios : 180/79 Demokles : 278/7 Diodotos * : 204/3
Diodotos * : 192/1   (Prokles of ? Halai) Diogeiton : 268/7 Diognetos : 264/3
Diokles * : 286/5   (Xenophon of Halai) Diokles * : 214/3   (Aristophanes of Keiriadai)
Diomedon : 248/7 Dionysios : 191/0 Diotimos : 285/4 Ekphantos : 235/4
Epainetos : 166/5 Erastos : 163/2 Ergochares : 225/4 Euandros : 201-197
Euboulos * : 274/3   (Kleigenes of Halai) Euboulos * : 265/4 Euergetes : 164/3
Euktemon : 299/8 Eunikos : 169/8 Euphiletos : 213/2 Eupolemos : 185/4
Eurykleides : 243/2 Euthios : 283/2 Euthykritos : 189/8 Euxenos : 222/1
Glaukippos : 273/2 Hagnias : 215/4 Hegemachos : 300/299 Heliodoros : 228/7
Herakleitos : 212/1 Hermogenes : 183/2 Hieron : 249/8 Hippakos : 176/5
Hippias : 181/0 Iason : 231/0 Isaios : 284/3 Isokrates : 205/4
Kallimachos : 217/6 Kallimedes : 252/1 Kallistratos * : 207/6   (Hagnonides of . . .)
Kallistratos * : 156/5 Kimon * : 288/7 Kimon * : 236/5 Kleomachos : 255/4
Kydenor : 245/4 Leochares : 227/6 Lykeas : 241/0 Lysanias : 234/3
Lysiades : 244/3 Lysias : 238/7 Lysitheides : 272/1 Menedemos : 179/8
Menekles : 267/6 Menekrates : 219/8 Mneseides : 232/1 Mnesidemos : 298/7
Mnesitheos : 155/4 Niketes : 224/3 Nikias * : 296/5   (Antikrates of Koile)
Nikias * : 282/1   (Theophilos of Acharnai) Nikias * : 266/5   (Isokrates of Alopeke)
Nikophon : 195/4 Nikosthenes : 167/6 Nikostratos : 295/4 Olbios : 275/4
Olympiodoros * : 294/3   Olympiodoros * : 293/2   (Epikouros of Rhamnous) Ourias : 281/0
Pantiades : 206/5 Peithidemos : 269/8 Pelops : 165/4 Phaidrias : 153/2
Phanarchides : 193/2 Phanomachos : 242/1 Phanostratos : 254/3 Pheidostratos : 253/2
Philinos : 259/8 Philippos : 292/1 Philokrates : 276/5 Philon * : 201-197
Philon * : 178/7   (Philistion of Potamos) Philoneos : 246/5 Philostratos : 260/59
Polyeuktos : 250/49 Polystratos : 240/39 Poseidonios : 162/1 Proxeneides : 202/1
Pyrrhos : 158/7 Pytharatos : 271/0 Sonikos : 175/4 Sosigenes : 172/1
Sosistratos : 270/69 Sositeles : 197/6 Sostratos : 209/8 Symmachos : 188/7
Telokles : 280/79 Theophemos : 247/6 Theophilos : 226/5 Theoxenos : 187/6
Thersilochos : 251/0 Thrasyphon : 220/19 Thymochares : 257/6 Timesianax : 182/1
Timouchos : 170/69 Tychandros : 196/5 Xenokles : 168/7 Xenophon : 287/6
Zaleukos : 151/0 Zopyros : 186/5


If the name of an archon occurs more than once, the number in Daux's list ( see Bibiography ) is shown in brackets.

Achaimenes : 315-280 (F14) Achaimenes : 240-230 (H3) Aiakidas : 173/2 Ainesilas : 315-280
Aischriondas : 315-280 Alexarchos : 240-210 Alexeas : 209/8 Ameinias : 258/7
Amphistratos : 159/8 Amyntas : 242/1 Anaxandridas : 213/2 Andronikos : 181/0 (L18)
Andronikos : 160/59 (L38) Androtimos : 240-230 Archelas : 265/4 (G5) Archelas : 205/4 (K15)
Archelas : 175/4 (L24) Archiadas : 273/2 Archias : 152/1 Archidamos : 290-280
Archon : 164/3 (L35) Archon : 158/7 (L41) Aristagoras : 277/6 (G2) Aristagoras : 254/3 (G21)
Aristainetos : 183/2 Aristion : 266/5 (G4) Aristion : 251/0 (G22) Ariston : 240-230 (H7)
Athambos : 269/8 Athambos : 155/4 Athanion : 208/7 Babylos : 207/6
Battos : 240-210 Charixenos : 276/5 (G3) Charixenos : 261/0 (F32) Damaios : 264/3
Damokrates : 204/3 Damosthenes : 263/2 Damosthenes : 182/1 Dexippos : 315-280
Dexondas : 151/0 Diodoros : 315-280 Diodoros : 195/4 Diokles : 315-280
Dion : 247/6 Dioscouridas : 315-280 Ekephylos : 193/2 Emmenidas : 252/1 (G23)
Emmenidas : 197/6 (L2) Emmenidas : 162/1 (L36) Erasippos : 271/0 Euagoras : 240-210
Euangelos : 202/1 (K16) Euangelos : 179/8 (L20) Euangelos : 163/2 (L40) Euboulidas : 315-280
Eudokos : 272/1 Eudoros : 240-210 (K21) Eudoros : 153/2 (L46) Eukles : 267/6
Eukrates : 185/4 Euthyon : 240-210 Herakleidas : 315-280 (F21) Herakleidas : 274/3 (G6)
Herakleidas : 240-210 (K20) Herys : 229/8 (K7) Herys : 156/5 (L43) Hieron : 278/7
Hierondas : 315-280 Hieros : 315-280 Hippotas : 315-280 Hybrias : 199/8
Iatadas : 240-230 Ison : 315-280 Kalleidas : 240-210 Kallias : 221/0
Kallieros : 240-210 Kallikles : 257/6 (G20) Kallikles : 249/8 (G26) Kallikrates : 190/89
Kleoboulos : 315-280 Kleodamos : 192/1 (L7) Kleodamos : 188/7 (L11) Kleodamos : 169/8 (L30)
Kleon : 168/7 Kleondas : 248/7 Kleophanes : 172/1 Kraton : 240-230 (H5)
Kraton : 184/3 (L15) Kriton : 315-280 Laiadas : 170/69 Lyson : 315-280 (F11)
Lyson : 240-210 (K38) Mantias : 200/199 (K19) Mantias : 180/79 (L19) Megartas : 203/2
Melision : 315-280 Melission : 177/6 Menes : 171/0 Menestratos : 161/0
Nikaidas : 243/2 Nikarchos : 228-223 Nikoboulos : 186/5 Nikodamos : 250/49 (G24)
Nikodamos : 212/1 (K33) Onymokles : 240-210 Orestas : 315-280 Ornichidas : 315-280
Orthaios : 198/7 (L1) Orthaios : 196/5 (L3) : 238/7 Patreas : 157/6
Patrondas : 240-210 Peisilas : 315-280 Peisilas : 187/6 Peithagoras : 260/59 (G17)
Peithagoras : 194/3 (L5) Phainis : 240-210 (K29) Phainis : 191/0 (L8) Philaitolos : 201/0
Philokrates : 154/3 Phrikidas : 240-210 Pleiston : 262/1 Polykleitos : 206/5
Praochos : 241/0 Praxias : 178/7 Pyrros : 165/4 Sarpadon : 315-280
Sosinikos : 174/3 Sotion : 240-210 Straton : 270/69 Sylochos : 315-280
Thessalos : 268/7 Theuteles : 315-280 Theuxenos : 166/5 Timokrates : 315-280
Timon : 315-280 Xeneas : 167/6 Xenochares : 315-280 (F6) Xenochares : 259/8 (H1)
Xenochares : 176/5 (L23) Xenokles : 315-280 Xenon : 240-210 (K37) Xenon : 189/8 (L10)


If a general held office more than once, the number of each term of office is shown in brackets.

Agelaos (I) : 231/0 Agelaos (II) : 224/3 Agelaos (III) : 217/6 Agelaos : 206/5
Agelaos : 170/69 Agetas (I) : 218/7 Agetas (II) : 201/0 Aiakidas : 238/7
Alexamenes : 197/6 Alexandros (I) : 261/0 Alexandros (II) : 253/2 Alexandros (III) : 245/4
Alexandros (I) : 204/3 Alexandros (II) : 196/5 Alexandros (III) : 185/4 Alexandros : 154/3
Antochos : 164/3 Archedamos (I) : 191/0 Archedamos (II) : 188/7   Archedamos (III) : 182/1
Archedamos (IV) : 175/4   Ariston : 221/0 Arkison (I) : 264/3 Arkison (II) : 256/5
Chalepos : 199/8 Charixenos (I) : 287/6 Charixenos (II) : 281/0 Charixenos (III) : 270/69
Charixenos (I) : 255/4 Charixenos (II) : 248/7 Charixenos (III) : 241/0 Charixenos (IV) : 234/3
Damokritos (I) : 200/199 Damokritos (II) : 193/2 Damotimos : 160/59 Dikaiarchos (I) : 195/4
Dikaiarchos (II) : 187/6 Dorimachos (I) : 219/8 Dorimachos (II) : 211/0 Dorimachos (III) : 202/1
Dorkinas : 273/2 Eupolemos (I) : 189/8 Eupolemos (II) : 176/5 Euthydamos : 279/8
Hagelochos : 169/8 Hybistas : 165/4 Kleudamos : 152/1 Kritolaos : 157/6
Ladikos (I) : 158/7 Ladikos (II) : 151/0 Lattamos : 205/4 Lochagos : 179/8
Lykiskos (I) : 178/7 Lykiskos (II) : 172/1 Lykopos (I) : 259/8 Lykopos (II) : 252/1
Lykopos (III) : 244/3 Lykopos (IV) : 237/6 Menestratos : 207/6 Neoptolemos : 271/0
Neoptolemos (I) : 246/5 Neoptolemos (II) : 239/8   Nikandros (I) : 190/89 Nikandros (II) : 184/3
Nikandros (III) : 177/6 Oikiadas : 267/6 Panaitolos : 167/6 Pantaleon (I) : 242/1
Pantaleon (II) : 235/4 Pantaleon (III) : 228/7 Pantaleon (IV) : 222/1 Pantaleon (V) : 214/3
Pantaleon (I) : 186/5 Pantaleon (II) : 180/79 Pantaleon (III) : 174/3 Phaineas (I) : 198/7
Phaineas (II) : 192/1 Philleas : 209/8 Phylax (I) : 162/1 Phylax (II) : 155/4
Physkos : 257/6 Polemarchos : 168/7 Polykritos (I) : 277/6 Polykritos (II) : 271/0
Polykritos (III) : 263/2 Polykritos (IV) : 254/3 Polykritos (V) : 247/6 Proandros : 171/0
Proxenos : 183/2 Pyrrias (I) : 223/2 Pyrrias (II) : 215/4 Pyrrias (III) : 210/9
Skopas : 272/1 Skopas (I) : 220/19 Skopas (II) : 212/1 Skopas (III) : 205/4
Straton : 213/2 Straton (I) : 166/5 Straton (II) : 159/8 Syagros : 226/5
Thoas (I) : 203/2 Thoas (II) : 194/3 Thoas (III) : 181/0 Thoas (IV) : 173/2
Timaios : 240/39 Tisippos (I) : 163/2 Tisippos (II) : 156/5 Trichas : 262/1
Trichas (I) : 161/0 Trichas (II) : 153/2

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