
Egyptian Texts:  4.21


Language:   (A) Hieroglyphic,   (B) Greek
Format:   see key to translations

The Egyptian-style statue A, with its impressive list of local priesthoods, probably represents a member of prominent Greek family in the Thebaid, the son of the strategos Platon who is known from several letters dated to 88 B.C. (for instance, SelPap_417 & 418). A couple of letters written by the son have survived, one of which is shown here (B). For details of the whole correspondence, see K. Vandorpe, "Platon-correspondence" in Trismegistos  ( PDF ). For this and other 'translocal' families in Egypt, see C. Fischer-Bovet, "Towards a translocal elite culture in the Ptolemaic empire", p.127 ( ).

The translation of A is adapted from the French translation in the commentary by L.Coulon, "Quand Amon parle à Platon: La statue Caire JE 38033" ( ).  

[A]   Cairo JE 38033,   98 B.C.,   translated by L. Coulon

{ on the back of the statue

The count, prince, brother of the king whose favours are great in the royal palace, who moves freely in the store, with a capable heart concerning the directives of his master, his god Amon, prophet of Osiris who resides in the Castle of the Two Fledglings, of Heka the child, of Chemanefer, of Isis who resides in the Castle of the Two Fledglings, of Khnum-Rê master of Esna, of Menhyt, of Nebtuu, of Neith the great, the divine mother, of Khnum-Rê master of the country, prophet of Ta-senet-nofret, prophet of Khonsu of Kom Ombo, prophet of Hathor-... (?), scribe of the phyles of the temple of Nekhbet, of Menhuy with many [knives], prophet of Montu master of Heliopolis-of-the-South, of Montu-Horakhty, prophet of (?) Buchis, of Hathor who resides in Ermant . . . prophet of Min-Amon, setem priest, [scribe of the sacred book] of Amon-Rê, chief steward of the temple  of Khonsu-in-Thebes-Neferhotep, prophet of Mut the great, mistress of the Isheru, fourth prophet, third prophet, second prophet of Amon, Platon living, son of the similarly-titled Platon living, born of the venerable lady Tathotis  living.

He declares while adoring his master Amon-Rê, king of the gods: 

I am a man with a generous heart;  I appeared in your home to write your name in praise, proportionate to the terror that I feel!  I protected your city against . . . [You turned] your face towards me and brought me all blessings, four times.  You have placed your living image, Amon of Opet of Djeme, the great god living at the head of the gods, before you.  You joined it on its veiled throne (?).

He then appeared in his full manifestation . . . He turned his face to me.  He made me feel seized with joy, as his power pervaded my limbs.  He revealed to me the directions to follow.  I interpreted them in his presence as benefits that you have done for me.

The second of the five epagomenal days: on this happy day, when this god appears in procession .  .  .

{ on the left side

Year 17, first month of the akhet season {Thoth}, on the 20th day, he turned his face towards me and he said to me . . . offerings and fowl in the temple . . .

[B]   SB 3.7180,   88 B.C.,   translated by K. Vandorpe

Platon the younger to the elders of Pathyris, greetings.   I have sent Harsiesis the swordbearer {machairophoros} concerning the female donkey which was robbed by Psenapathes the governor {epistatēs}  of the Eilithyiopolite nome and conveyed to you by Esthotes together with its foal. Please take care that it will be handed over to him together with its foal in order to restore it to its owner. Farewell.   Year 30, Hathyr 15.

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