For a discussion of these inscriptions, see G.Rowe, "Mytilene and other Greek cities", pp.124-125 ( PDF ). Inscription C was found in Istanbul, but the Aeolic dialect of the text suggests that it was originally set up in Mytilene; see L. Robert, "Théophane de Mytilène à Constantinople" ( Persée ).
A and C were not included in Sylloge³.
[A] The people honours Gnaeus Pompeius Theophanes, son of Hieroitas, the logios prytanis, on account of his virtue and his piety towards the divine.
[B] In honour of Gnaeus Pompeius Theophanes, son of Hieroitas, our saviour and benefactor.
[C] [The people honoured] Cn. Pompeius Theophanes, son of Hiroitas, who recovered from the Romans, the common benefactors, the city and its territory and its ancestral freedom, and restored the ancestral shrines and the honours of the gods; on account of his virtue and his piety towards the divine.
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