We know that Theophanes lived on after the death of Pompeius until at least 44 B.C., and these divine honours were assigned to him after his death, as stated explicitly by Tacitus ( Ann_6.18 ). So the people of Mytilene clearly thought it appropriate to set up an inscription in honour of Pompeius, even after his defeat and death; see F.Santangelo, in "Institutions and Ideology in Republican Rome", pp.143-144 ( Google Books ).
In honour of:
[752] Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, son of Gnaeus, imperator, our benefactor and saviour and founder.
[753] The god Z[eus Eleuthe]rios Philopatris Theophanes, our saviour and benefactor and the second founder of his fatherland.
[754] Potamon son of Lesbonax, who was the benefactor and saviour and founder of the city.
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