The cities on the island of Rhodes generally had an eponymous annual priest, but there were also some priesthoods which were held for life, and this decree sought to ensure that the names of both types of priest were recorded systematically for posterity; see B.Dignas, "Rhodian Priests after the Synoecism" ( Ancient Society, 2003, pp.35-51 ).
From the decree in the year of Archestratos, on the 25th day of Artamitios.
So that also in the future the names of those who have served as priests may be inscribed in due order, the priests shall inscribe their names, with the names of their father and their deme and the priest of Helios in whose time they were allotted the priesthood. The one who becomes priest following after the existing priest shall write after the name of his predecessor as priest, until when and for how many years he served as priest. In the same way all subsequent priests shall add their details.
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