The gymnasiarch continued to have an important role in education, long after the Roman conquest of Greece, and the gymnasiarchs of Eretria seem to have been particularly diligent; see N.M.Kennell in "A Companion to Ancient Education", page 176 ( Google Books ).
The translations of A & B are taken from R.B.Richardson & T.W.Heermance, in AJA vol.11/1896, pp.175-6 & 189 ( ); the first part of the translation of C is taken from A.R. Hands, "Charities and Social Aid in Greece and Rome", no. D:69. B & C were not included in Sylloge³.
[A] As proposed by the probouloi: since Elpinikos, son of Nikomachos, elected gymnasiarch by the people, has in general honourably discharged the duties of his office, and, when a considerable number of boys and of ephebes and of others subject to his jurisdiction were through his zealous endeavours brought together, he took thought for their training, remaining in the gymnasium throughout the year; and he furnished at his own expense an instructor in rhetoric and a drill-master, who devoted themselves in the gymnasium 10 to the boys and the ephebes and all others who wished to benefit from such training; and he took thought for the oil, also, that it be of the finest quality, himself defraying the expense incurred for this; he also instituted many long races, and at each long race performed a sacrifice to Hermes; the prize, also, offered by the people to the winner in the race from the Herakleion, he himself provided at his own expense, repaying the city the sum of money given by the people; and in carrying through the games 20 established in honour of Herakles he paid the cost of the prizes at his own resources, making the whole lavish outlay because of his good-will toward the people; and at the festival of the Artemisia he paid for the unguents from his own resources, taking on himself the expense not only for the citizens but also for the others, who as strangers were present at the festival and participated in the common privileges; and when performing the sacrifice to Hermes he invited by proclamation both the citizens and the resident Romans, 30 and those who partook of the common privileges he banqueted on the fourth day, and on the fifth day others of the citizens and strangers in great numbers; and asking the councillors {synedroi} for the site he erected in the exedra, which is in the "angle" in the outdoor track {paradromis}, seats of marble and a statue of Hermes, incurring for the above-mentioned things considerable expense, desiring to show the peculiar good-will which he bears toward the people; in order, therefore, that the people may be seen to be grateful and to honour those pre-eminent in virtue, and that many may become emulous of fame, 40 it is resolved by the councillors and the people to praise Elpinikos, son of Nikomachos, for his good-will towards the people, and that he shall be crowned with a crown of olive. This decree shall be inscribed on a stele of stone and erected in the most conspicuous place in the gymnasium, so that posterity may know his fame and the honour bestowed by the people upon good men, and so that many others may be eager to act in a similar way; and an overseer {epistatēs} shall be elected who shall have charge of the inscribing of the decree and of the erection of the stele. Philokles, son of Niko..., was elected as overseer.
[B] As proposed by the probouloi: since Mantidoros, son of Kallikrates, elected gymnasiarch by the people, in all matters connected with his office bore himself honourably and in a manner worthy of himself and of his ancestors and of the trust imposed upon him by the people ; and when a considerable number of boys and of ephebes and of others subject to his jurisdiction came together through his endeavours, he took charge of their deportment in the place during the whole period of his magistracy, remaining in the gymnasium throughout the year; and he furnished sufficient oil, and unguents as choice as possible; and desiring to benefit the youth more readily 10 he provided at his own expense a Homeric scholar, Dionysios, son of Philotas, an Athenian, who devoted himself in the gymnasium to the ephebes and the boys and all the others properly disposed toward instruction ; and he performed each month a sacrifice to Hermes and to Herakles in behalf of the boys and the ephebes and all the others . . .
[C] As proposed by the probouloi: since Theopompos, son of Archedemos, maintaining the good relations with the people inherited from his ancestors, and seeking further to increase his right-dealing with gods and men, having zealously pursued the life of virtue and honour from his earliest youth, wishes to establish clearly his devotion towards that which redounds to the advantage of the common interest and his eager desire to serve the city; and since he shows himself faithful towards the whole people in his service, and he always says and does what is advantageous individually 10 to those of the citizens who appeal for his help, and he has conducted himself irreproachably in the offices which he has held, displaying his generosity; and since, in his wish to leave an imperishable memorial for all time of his noble spirit and goodwill for the people, he has bestowed out of his own resources for the people, for the purpose of oil for anointing, forty-thousand drachmas, so that the aforementioned sum, being lent out 20 on adequate securities, may provide revenue annually for the purchase of oil for the gymnasium, the distribution of which shall be carried out by the officers who are placed in charge of these matters, and so that the people may be relieved from this expense; therefore, so that the people may be seen to be grateful in honouring those who have exceptional virtue and prestige, and so that many others may be eager to act in a similar way, when noble men are given due honour; with good fortune it is resolved by the councillors and the people to praise Theopompos son of Archedemos for the goodwill and honourable conduct that he shows towards the people, 30 and because, being from his first youth devoted to the finest conduct, he has given proof of the magnanimous attitude that he has towards public affairs; and to crown him with a golden crown and with two bronze statues - one of the statues shall be placed in the most prominent position in the temple of Artemis Amarysia, and the other shall be placed in the gymnasium, with this inscription: The people of Eretria honours Theopompos son of Archedemos on account of his virtue and goodwill towards the people. This decree shall be inscribed on two stone steles, and they shall be set up next to the statues, so that the generosity and nobility of Theopompos, and the gratitude of the people to noble men, may be made manifest 40 to all the citizens and to those foreigners who are staying here, and so that many others may be eager to act in a similar way. The honours shall be announced both at the Dionysia when the procession of Dionysos is performed and at the Artemisia in the contest of pyrrhic dancing; the probouloi who are in office at the time shall take care of the proclamation. Also an inscription shall be put on the statues set up by him of his sons and his daughter, saying that the people of Eretria dedicates the statues 50 on account of their virtue and their goodwill towards the people. In order that the dedication may remain securely in line with the wishes of the dedicator, and may not be used for any other purpose, it shall not be permitted for anyone to use any of this money, or any of the interest arising from it, for any other purpose, or to put to the vote or propose a motion to do so; if anyone acts in contravention of this, the person who proposes the motion or puts it to the vote shall be liable to pay 60,000 sacred drachmas of Artemis, and anyone who wishes may bring him to trial before the magistrates, with a reward of one third of the penalty, 60 and the motion shall be invalid. The probouloi and the gymnasiarch shall lend out the money at interest, and every year they shall render an account, through the council, of the income that has been generated by the dedicated money, and of the payments made by the treasurer of the special account. An overseer shall be chosen, who will have responsibility for setting up the statues and for inscribing the decrees on the steles, and for ensuring that the rest of the tasks concerning the dedication are completed, and for rendering an account of the expenses arising from this to the logistai. 70 The treasurer shall give the money for these expenses, and he shall receive funding for what is needed. Philippos son of Tēchippos was chosen as overseer.
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