This inscription was found at Dragomirna in Romania. Although the city is not explicitly named, most scholars agree with the opinion of Sylloge³, that it was a decree of Olbia. There is a thorough discussion of the inscription along with a German translation by V.Cojocaru, "Noch einmal zur Herkunft des Ehrenbeschlusses für Epikrates, Sohn des Nikobulos" ( ) Nothing else is known about the 'Olatic War' that the inscription mentions, but it was probably a war against a local Thracian tribe.
. . . on the tenth day, as proposed by the councillors {synedroi}: since Eupolis son of Philomelos, who was sent to Byzantion with instructions to procure an architect, hired Epikrates, who on arriving here performed many advantageous things in addition to letting out tasks; 10 he adapted himself to the situation in the city and accepted the pay that the people determined; and when the Olatic war was announced, he prepared everything necessary for the occasion with skill and zeal; and afterwards, when the city appointed him to be supervisor of the walls for two years, 20 at the invitation of the councillors he supervised the walls in an advantageous manner; and extending his residence here for many years, he conducted himself blamelessly, and in other matters he has continually shown goodwill towards the people; therefore it is resolved by the council and the people to praise the architect Epikrates of Byzantion, the son of Nikoboulos, on account of his virtue and goodwill towards the people, and to crown him with a golden crown in the theatre at the Thargelia; 30 and he shall be given provisions and pay on the fourth (?) day of the month; he and his descendants shall be granted proxeny, citizenship, the right to sail into and out of the city, both in war and in peacetime, inviolably and without formality, and access to the council and people second only to sacred matters. The magistrates shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele and place it in the temple of Apollo; and the stewards shall give money for the cost 40 of the stele, out of the revenues that they manage. He shall be invited to hospitality in the temple of Apollo.
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