The date of this decree, when Amyntas was archon of Delphi, is uncertain, but an approximate range of years was suggested by G.Daux, no. L64 ( see bibliography on archons ). The central part of the translation is copied from A.Chaniotis, "A Few Things Hellenistic Audiences Appreciated in Musical Performances", page 83 ( ).
With good fortune, it was resolved by the city of Delphi in full assembly with votes as prescribed by law; since Kleodōros and Thrasyboulos of Pheneos, the sons of Theoxenidas, came to our city and presented to the god demonstrations of the art of music {concerts}, in which they had success, presenting rhythms of the old poets which were appropriate to the god and to our city; in addition to this, they made their stay and their conduct and the teaching of the boys worthy of themselves and of their fatherland and of our city; therefore with good fortune it is resolved by the city of Delphi to praise Kleodoros and Thrasyboulos for the honourable conduct that they have displayed in their profession; and they shall be granted by the city of Delphi, both for themselves and for their descendants, proxeny, priority in access to the oracle, priority in receiving justice, inviolability, freedom from taxes, and privileged seating at all the games that the city holds; they shall also have the right to own land and buildings, and all the other privileges that are given to the other proxenoi and benefactors of the city. When Amyntas was archon, and the members of the council for the first six months were Kleon son of Dionysios and Xenokritos son of Stesimenes, and the secretary was Mnasidamos son of Xenokritos.
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