
Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 660


Greek text:   FD_3.1.49
Date:     c. 161/0 B.C.
Tags:     poets+musicians
Format:   see key to translations

From the wording of this decree, it seems that Thrason and Sokrates were citharodes. Like other poets and musicians who visited Delphi, they ensured that their performance were "appropriate for the god and the city".   There is a French translation of the inscription, with comments and photographs, by Claire Tuan.

God. It was resolved by the city of Delphi: since Thrason and Sokrates of Aigeira, the sons of Patron, after coming to us have given many performances to the god with lyrical compositions, offering the verses from the ancient poets that are most appropriate for the god and our city, and they have lacked nothing in their zeal and honourable conduct; also they have conducted themselves during their residence here in a manner that is worthy of themselves and of our city; therefore with good fortune it is resolved by the city of Delphi to praise Thrason and Sokrates for the good attitude that they show in their profession; and that they shall have the status of proxenoi and benefactors of the city, for both themselves and their descendants; and that they shall have the other rights that are granted to other proxenoi and benefactors. When Andronikos son of Phrikidas was archon, and the members of the council were Euagoras and Kallimachos, and the secretary was Euangelos.

inscription 661

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