From the Epidamnians.
[Resolved by the people when] Phalakrion [son of ...]phon [was archon], in the month of Haliotropion: [since] the citizens of Magnesia on the Maiandros, who are friends and associates of the Epidamnians, and are piously disposed towards the gods, and support the best interests of men, have sent to us envoys, namely Sosikles son of Diokles, Aristodamos son of Diokles and Diotimos son of Menophilos; and coming before our council and people, they presented their decree, and themselves spoke in an honourable fashion, describing the epiphany of Artemis and the assistance that their ancestors gave to the temple of Delphi, when they defeated in battle the barbarians who were attacking it with the intention of looting the possessions of the god; and the benefit that they bestowed on the states of Crete, when they arranged an end to their civil war; and they described the benefits that they bestowed on the other Greeks, by means of the oracles of the god and the poets and the historians who have related the deeds of the Magnesians; and they read out the decrees of other cities concerning Magnesia, in which were recorded the honours and crowns glorifying their city; and that the god at Delphi proclaimed through his oracle that it will turn out better and more profitably for those who revere Artemis Leukophryene and recognise the city and territory of Magnesia as sacred and inviolable; and that their people have voted to hold a sacrifice and a festival and games with a prize of crowns, equivalent to the Pythian games, in music and athletics and horse-racing, all in honour of Artemis, the chief leader of their city; and they urged us, as friends and associates, to accept the festival and the truce and the games with a prize of crowns, equivalent to the Pythian games in their rewards; therefore with good fortune it is resolved by the council and people of Epidamnos to reply to the Magnesians, that the people of Epidamnos likewise happen to be piously disposed towards the gods, and it is their ancestral custom to enhance the honours of their associates; and to praise the people of Magnesia on account of their piety towards the gods and their goodwill towards the Greeks and the assistance they have given to the temple at Delphi and to the other Greeks; and to accept the games that the Magnesians are holding in honour of Artemis Leukophryene, with a prize of crowns, equivalent to the Pythian games, as has been announced by the sacred ambassadors; and that the city shall grant the same [privileges] to the victors at these games as are [granted] to the victors at the Pythian games; and the recognise the city and territory of Magnesia as sacred and inviolable, as Apollo of [Delphi] proclaimed through his oracle; and praise the sacred ambassador [Sosikles] and the other ambassadors Aristodamos and Diotimos, on account of their honourable conduct on behalf of their homeland and their [behaviour] here, which was worthy of both our cities; and to recognise them as proxenoi and benefactors of the city [of Epidamnos; and that] the [prytanis] shall pray to Artemis Leukophryene and to Hestia, that this decree may with the favour of the gods now and forever bring [good fortune] to the Magnesians and Epidamnians; and to invite the ambassadors to the public hearth at the prytaneion, to sacrifice a victim at the hearth, and to [give] them the legs and the fleece - the fleece and the leg shall be left for them, and [expenses of half a mina] of Corinthian silver; and likewise to give half a mina of silver to the goddess; and [to grant them] the other privileges [which are granted to the sacred ambassadors who regularly visit us; and when] the time comes [to perform the sacrifice and the] games, [to send some citizens to join in the sacrifice; and to appoint] a theorodokos [from amongst us, so that] the Magnesians [whenever they visit us ]may receive a welcome worthy of both our cities; and to inscribe this decree in the council-house.
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