
Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 548


Greek text:   Sylloge_548
Date:     c. 213/2 B.C.
Format:   see key to translations

This decree confirmed the renewal of 'the friendship that has existed since ancient times' between Delphi and Sardis - a friendship which went back to the time of Croesus in the sixth century B.C.   As the end of the decree shows, delegates from other Greek cities were expected to participate in sacrifices at Delphi; see W.Mack, "Proxeny and Polis", page 69 ( Google Books ).   There is another English translation by I.Rutherford, "State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece", pp. 417-8 no. D14 ( with some critical comments about earlier interpretations - not available online).  For the date of the decree, see Syll_549.

It was resolved by the city of Delphi, with the votes prescribed by law: since Matrophanes the son of Menekrates, when he arrived at our city as the sacred ambassador {theopropos} and envoy of the people of Sardis, sought to renew the friendship that has existed since ancient times between the Delphians and the citizens of Sardis, and emphasised the goodwill that they all have towards the Delphians; therefore with good fortune it is resolved to praise the people of Sardis for the goodwill that they have towards the Delphians, and to confirm the rights which were granted to them previously by the city of Delphi: priority in access to the oracle, freedom from taxes, privileged seating, and the other rights that are granted to other proxenoi and benefactors. The city of Delphi shall act as proxenos of the city of Sardis, and since Matrophanes has asked us to name a sponsor, because citizens of Sardis do not have a proxenos, it being a long time since they have been able to visit the oracle due to the reasons that Matrophanes has explained, the city will act as their sponsor for sacrifices.

{Followed by 549}

inscription 549

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