
Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 546


Greek text:   IG_9.1².177 ,   IG_9.1².188
Date:     214/3 B.C.
Tags:     arbitration ,   arbitration ,   loans+debts ,   sympoliteia
Format:   see key to translations

These inscriptions (found at Delphi and Melitaia) contain decisions on two border disputes involving the city of Melitaia in Thessaly; A was a dispute with Xyniai, and B was a dispute with Perea, which was resolved by sympoliteia between the two cities. For some comments on the decisions, see S.L.Ager, "Interstate Arbitrations in the Greek World, 337–90 B.C.", nos. 55 & 56 ( Google Books ). The date of B was perhaps one year later than A; see J.D.Grainger, "The League of the Aitolians", page 304 ( Google Books ).

[A] When Pantaleon was general of the Aetolians for the fifth time, and the [archons] at Melitaia were Menedamos son of Thrasydamos, Polemitas son of . . . and Pheidon son of Eukrates, and the archons at Xyniai were (?) Damostratos son of Symmachos, Nikias son of Aristion and Phillidas son of . . ., this is the decision made by the arbitrators [appointed] by the [Aetolians], after the cities had [agreed] to submit to arbitration. [The arbitrators were:] . . ., . . . of Pellene, . . .of (?) Pellene, (?) Philotas of Aperantia, the son of Theodotos.

[The boundaries] of Xyniai and Melitaia, in the land that inhabitants of Melitaia have taken [us round], shall be: 10 from the temple of [Borras] to the wooded valley by the stream of Charadros; from the [stream] to the grove by the Strobeia; from the grove to the cart-way; from the cart-way to [the Ioneia] mountains; from the Ioneia mountains to the Ainnaian grove; from the Ainnaian [grove] to the river Charadros; from the Charadros to the mound; from the mound to [the stream] called Xytaris.


{Followed by B}

[B] This is the decision made by the arbitrators appointed by the Aetolians between the inhabitants of Melitaia and Perea, after they had agreed to submit to arbitration. The arbitrators were: Dorimachos, Polemaios and Argeios of Kalydon.

The boundaries of the territory of Melitaia and Perea shall be: where the river Akmeus flows into the river Europos; from the Akmeus to the stream of Galaios; from the Galaios to the Kolona; from the Kolona to the shrine of Hermes on the Eurynia; from the Eurynia down from the top to where the water flows into the Europos; from the Europos to the Elipēs; from the Elipēs; to the grove that leads to the Ampelos; from the Ampelos down from the top to the Hypatos; from the Hypatos to the Kerkines; 10 from the Kerkines to the Mynis; from the Mynis to the Europos; to the junction of the Skapetaios and the Europos. The Melitaians shall not give up the public land, Karandes and Phyliadon, so that they shall keep the land they have bought as if it were their ancestral property, while Perea remains united with Melitaia; and in turn they may hire it out as they have done previously. But if Perea becomes independent of Melitaia, concerning their territory they shall use the stated boundaries, and they shall separate with one councillor; and they shall pay the joint debts that the city owes in proportion to the number of councillors of each city; 20 and they shall make contributions to the Aetolians according to the number of councillors. The inhabitants of Perea shall repay a tenth part of their existing debts for three years to the money-lenders, accepting a delay of three years. And as for the money that the inhabitants of Perea have previously received each year from the city, which is:

they shall continue to receive this money for the present, and in future the city of Melitaia shall take care of the public expenses of Perea as it has done previously. The inhabitants of Perea and Melitaia shall use the same laws, and the agoranomoi of Melitaia shall judge the law-suits that arise 30 between the inhabitants of Perea every four months at Perea.

This decision shall be inscribed on steles at Melitaia, Delphi, Kalydon and Thermon.


inscription 547

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