Many marriage contracts have been preserved on papyrus in Egypt, but there is little information about dowries elsewhere in the Hellenistic world. This inscription provides some details. There is a German translation and analysis by E. Stavrianopoulou, "Gruppenbild mit Dame", pp.61-82 ( Google Books ).
[A] [When] Sostratos [(?) and . . . were archons]. With good fortune. Sostratos Ar. betrothed his daughter Xanthē to [Eparchides], and he gave as a dowry 1,300 drachmas; of this sum 1,000 drachmas were on loan to the 500-drachma eranos fund, which Alexikles collected, of which Kallistagoras had a share; in addition to this Sostratos gave 100 drachmas of silver and clothing worth 200 drachmas; Sostratos and Aristokrates agreed that they would work with Eparchides to recover the loan; and if Eparchides was unable to recover some of the payments, Sostratos and Aristokrates would make up the deficit.
[B] Kallippos An. betrothed his daughter Aristoloche to Sostratos to be his wife, and he gave as a dowry 14,000 drachmas, and he gave back with the dowry 406 drachmas, which he had received as interest from Sostratos.
[C] Ameinokrates My. betrothed his daughter Aristagore to Philotimos to be his wife, and he gave as a dowry 10,000 drachmas.
[D] Kallixenos betrothed his daughter Timēkratē to Rhodokles, and he gave as a dowry 700 drachmas; of this there was clothing worth 300 drachmas; Rhodokles agreed that he had received the clothing and 100 drachmas; Kallixenos pledged {hypothecated} his house in the city, next to [the house] of Ktesidemos son of Chairelas, for the remaining 300 drachmas.
[E] Dexikles betrothed his daughter Mnēsō to Timeas Pyr. to be his wife, and he gave as a dowry 3,500 drachmas.
[F] Ktesonides Thar. betrothed his sister Dikaiē to Pappias Pa. to be his wife, and he gave as a dowry 1,000 drachmas of silver and clothing worth 500 drachmas. Pappias agreed that he had received the clothing and 100 drachmas of silver.
[G] Tharsagoras Mnē. betrothed Panthalis daughter of Mnesiboulos to Pyrrakos Thar. to be his wife, and he gave as a dowry his house in the suburbs, to which Nikias son of Charios is the neighbour, on condition that Tharsagoras shall have possession of the house for as long as he lives.
[H] Ktesion Aglō. betrothed his daughter Hermoxenē to Hieronides N.. to be his wife, and he gave as a dowry 1,600 drachmas and the house of Archinos, next to the house of Kallippos son of Heras, [and] a female slave called Syra, and another female slave . . .
[I] Eidesileōs betrothed his daughter ...ousa to Kall[ias] to be his wife, and he gave as a dowry 2,000 drachmas; of this money . . .
[J] Euboulos betrothed his daughter . . . of this sum . . . agreed that he had received . . . Euboulos . . .
[K] Lysandrides betrothed . . . and he gave as a dowry 3,000 drachmas . . .
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