
Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 1158


Greek text:   IG_11.4.1298 , IG_11.4.1027 , SEG_48.785
Date:   late 3rd century B.C.
Tags:   oracles
Format:   see key to translations

The inhabitants of Kyzikos were able to use a response from the oracle at Delphi to support the special status of their local cult, in the same way as the people of Magnesia on the Maiandros ( see, for instance, Syll_560 ). A is the response of the oracle, and B is a decree of Delos authorising it to be published at Delos. The translation is adapted from S.R.F.Price, in "Religions of the Ancient Greeks".

Inscription C, which has been discovered since the publication of Sylloge³, shows that Kyzikos followed the same policy as Kos (see THI_80), in sending envoys to the Macedonian king first to gain his approval, before approaching the individual cities in Macedonia.

Korē Soteira is the name under which the goddess Persephone was worshipped at Kyzikos. The head of Korē Soteira often appears on the coins of Kyzikos; for some examples, see Roman Provincial Coinage Online.

[A]   On the Kyzikenes. The god {Apollo} uttered [the following] prophecy: [since] the Kyzikenes, first of all people, have performed the Soteria to [Korē] Soteira well, [piously] and fortunately, that [it is] much better that they proclaim to the human race that their city is sacred, in accordance with the oracles and the sacrifice to the goddess.

[B]   It was resolved by the council and people {of Delos}, as proposed by Charias son of Charistios: since the Kyzikenes, who are friends of the people of Delos, have [sent] . . . as chief theoros and . . . and Theopompos son of Nikaios [as the other theoroi] bringing a decree in which they ask the Delians, as friends of their city, to appoint a place in the sanctuary of Apollo in which a stele can be put up on which will be inscribed the oracle given to the Kyzikenes by Pythian Apollo in the same manner as it is also inscribed in the sanctuary at Delphi; and as far as these very matters are concerned, the chief theoros [and the] other theoroi spoke accordingly; therefore it is resolved by the council and people that the hieropoioi shall ensure with the [council] that an extremely prominent place is given in which the stele shall be put up, [as] the Kyzikenes have requested, so that the Delians may maintain good [and] pious [relations with] the gods and the people [of Kyzikos]; and to praise the envoys and [to invite them to] hospitality in the prytaneion [tomorrow; the treasurer] shall pay the statutory cost. Parmenion [. . . put it to the vote].

[C]   King Philippos to Eurylochos the governor {epistatēs} and the peliganes and the other citizens of Dion, greetings.   The men who hand over this letter to you have come from the city of Kyzikos to report that the [city] and its territory [are] sacred, [and about] the games [which they are holding for the goddess] . . .

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