The men honoured in this inscription had probably fought to resist the attack made on Tegea by Lykourgos, tyrant of Sparta, in 218 B.C. ( Polyb_5.17 ).
Since Theokritos and Amphalkes acted bravely when the enemy scaled our walls; they fought for the safety of the city and displayed goodwill in the face of imminent danger; therefore it is resolved by the city to proclaim their bravery publicly as is customary, and Strateas and the other generals shall inscribe this decree on a stele and place it in the agora, so that others may be inspired to bravery, when they see how grateful the city is. On the same stele as Theokritos and the others, they shall also write the names of Simidas, Nikias, Xenippos, Archeas and Epiteles.
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