The stoa of Attalos I was a prominent building in Delphi, constructed at a time when Attalos was developing friendly relations with the Aetolian League; see J.B.Scholten, "The Politics of Plunder", page 193 ( Google Books ).
[In the year of . . . as archon at Delphi, at the autumn assembly, when the hieromnemones were as follows:
It was resolved by the Amphictyons: no-one shall have the right to place a dedication inside the portico, [which has been dedicated to Apollo] by king Attalos, [except the king himself]; nor may anyone pitch a tent [or light a fire inside or outside] the portico in the area of the [? Attaleion bounded by marking-stones]; and if anyone places a dedication in contravention of this, [the Amphictyons] shall have the right to remove the dedication, and anyone who makes a dedication or otherwise acts in contravention of this shall pay of fine of . . . silver [staters], sacred to Pythian Apollo.
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