It is generally assumed that the inhabitants of Keos were prompted to seek this agreement by fear of an attack such as that recorded in Syll_520. The agreement is discussed by K.Buraselis, in "Federalism in Greek Antiquity", pp.369-370 ( Google Books ); and by J.Scholten in "Belonging and Isolation in the Hellenistic World", page 104 ( Google Books ).
[A] Resolved by the Aetolians: to maintain their existing friendship with the Keans; and neither the Aetolians nor anyone residing in Aetolia shall detain any Keans, wherever they are coming from, whether by land or by sea, neither on the accusation of the Amphictyons nor on any other charge, because the Keans shall be treated as Aetolians. But if anyone does detain any Keans, the general who is in office shall be responsible for restoring any property that is seized and brought back to Aetolia, and the councillors shall be responsible for imposing a fine to be paid to the Keans by whose who detained them, the amount to be as they determine. When [(?) Pantaleon] was general for the fourth time, and the envoys from Keos . . .
[B] In the year of Sokrates son of Timonos as theoros, it was resolved by the people of Naupaktos to maintain their existing friendship with the Keans, and that the previous decrees about all measures of friendship shall remain in force . . . and neither the Naupaktians nor anyone residing in Naupaktos shall detain any Keans, neither on the accusation of the Amphictyons nor on any other charge; and if anyone does detain them, the general in office shall restore any property that is found and return it to the Keans; but the councillors shall be responsible for making restitution of any property that cannot be found, imposing whatever fine they determine. And there shall be . . .
[C] Resolved by the council and the people, as proposed by Herakleides: since the people, who have been sent to Naupaktos and to the councillors of the Aetolians, report that the Naupaktians and the councillors of the Aetolians display every goodwill and honourable intention towards the cities of the Keans, and that the Naupaktians have decreed that the Keans shall be granted citizenship and the right to own land and buildings, and that they shall share in the other rights that the Naupaktians hold; therefore it is resolved by the council and the people of Keos that the Aetolians shall be granted citizenship in Keos, and the right to own land and buildings, and they shall share in all the other rights which the Keans hold . . .
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