Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 489
Greek text: FD_3.4.356
Date: c. 264/3 B.C.
Tags: victors+contestants
Format: see key to translations
Dittenberger dated this inscription to about 234 B.C., but more recent editors have suggested an earlier date ( see CID_4.31 ). For a longer list of contestants at the Soteria, from about the same period, see Syll_424 .
[In the year of . . . as archon at Delphi, when the hieromnemones were as follows:
and the secretary was Mnasilaos of Aetolia. The priest chosen from the artisans was Pythokles of Hermione, the son of Aristarchos. The guild of artisans contributed towards the Soteria for the god and the Amphictyons.
The following were the contestants in the complete event:
- Rhapsodes: Kleitobios [of Arkadia], the son of Aristeides ; Kallias of Syracuse, the son of Archetimos
- Citharodes: Diopeithes [of Athens], the son of Eupeithes ; Diphilos of Megara, the son of Phrastor
- Poets, composing processional hymns: Philon [of Arkadia], the son of Phanias ; Pythionikos of Hermione, the son of Nikias
- Flute-players: Charikles [of Boeotia], the son of Chairion
- Director: Alexandros . . .
- . . . [Nikokles of Sikyon], the son of Timodamos
- Tragic actor: Neoptolemos [of Athens]
- Comic actor: . . .
→ inscription 490
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