For an analysis of this decree, arguing that it was passed soon after the recapture of Ephesos by Demetrios in 302 B.C., see G.M.Rogers, "The Mysteries of Artemis of Ephesos", pp.50-53 ( Google Books ). Apollonides, who is praised here as a friend of the king, later abandoned Demetrios and joined Seleukos ( Plut:Demetr_50 ).
. . . [since Demetrios the king has been the cause of many great blessings] for our city and for all the Greeks, with good fortune it is resolved by the people to join in rejoicing at the reported successes of the king and his [army]; and that the Ephesians and [all] residents of the city shall wear crowns to celebrate the good news that has been reported; and that the essenes and [the priestess and] the steward [shall make a sacrifice] of thanksgiving to Artemis, praying that for the future yet [more good fortune] may occur for Demetrios the king and for the [Ephesian] people; [and to award] crowns to Antigonos and Demetrios, [according to the laws]; 10 the steward [shall take care of] the cost of the sacrifice; and to praise Apollonides [the friend] of the king, who announced both the goodwill of the king towards the people and his own goodwill towards the king and the Ephesian people; and to crown Apollonides with a golden [crown of] twenty gold pieces; [the steward] shall take care of the crown; and to give Apollonides citizenship on [equal and similar terms] as has been given to our other benefactors; and that he should have priority in [access to] the council and people, [second only to sacred matters; and that he should have privileged seating at the] games, along with our [other benefactors; and that the neopoiai shall inscribe] the honours that have been awarded to him 20 [in the temple of Artemis, in the same place that they inscribe] the other awards of citizenship . . .
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