Little is known about the worship of Alektrona apart from this inscription. For some comments on the inscription, see A. Delli Pizzi, "Impiety in Epigraphic Evidence", paras 21-22 ( Kernos, 2011 ).
Resolved by the mastroi and the Ialysians, as proposed by Strates son of Alkimedon: in order that the temple and precinct of Alektrona may be kept holy according to the traditional custom, the temple wardens {hierotamiai} shall take care that three steles of Lartian marble are prepared, and this decree shall be inscribed on them, with a list of what is banned as unholy 10 from being brought in or entering the precinct, and the penalties for those who break the rules. The steles shall be placed, one by the entrance for those who are approaching from the city, one above the banqueting-hall, and the other by the descent from the city of Achaïa.
These are the regulations of what is forbidden as unholy to enter or be brought 20 into the temple and precinct of Alektrona: no horse, donkey, mule, hinny or other pack-animal may enter the precinct nor may anyone lead one of them inside; no-one may bring in sandals or anything made of pig-skin. If anyone contravenes this law, they shall cleanse the precinct and make a sacrifice, or else be held guilty of impiety. 30 If anyone brings in forbidden animals, he shall pay a fine of one obol for each animal; anyone who wishes may report someone transgressing these rules to the mastroi.
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