
Select Papyri, 2.327


Greek text: POxy 1453
Date:   30-29 B.C.

Copy of an oath. We, Thonis also called Patoiphis son of Thonis and Heracleides son of Totoes, both lamplighters of the temple of Sarapis, the most great god, and of the Iseum thereby, and Paapis son of Thonis and Petosiris son of the aforesaid Patoiphis, both lamplighters of the temple of Thoeris, the most great goddess, at Oxyrhynchus, swear all four by Caesar, god and son of a god, to Heliodorus son of Heliodorus and Heliodorus son of Ptolemaeus, overseers of the temples of the Oxyrhynchite and Cynopolite nomes, that we will superintend the lamps of the above-mentioned temples, as aforesaid, and will supply the proper oil for the daily lamps burning in the temples specified from Thoth 1 to the 5th intercalary day of Mesore of the present 1st year of Caesar punctually in conformity with the amounts supplied up to the 22nd which was also the 7th year ; and we the aforesaid are mutual sureties, all our property being security for the performance of the duties herein stated. If I swear truly, may it be well with me, if falsely, the reverse. The 1st year of Caesar, . . . Copy. I, Paapis son of Thonis, have sworn, and I will do as stated above. I, Thonis son of Harpaesis, have written for him by request, because he is illiterate. I, Heracleides, have sworn, and I will do as stated above. I, Petosiris, have sworn, and I will do as stated above. I, Horus son of Totoeus, have written for him by request, because he is illiterate. I, Thonis, have sworn likewise as stated above.

papyrus 328

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