The 14th year of the reign of Ptolemy surnamed Alexander, god Philometor,the priests and priestesses and kanephoros being those now in office, Choiach 2, at Pathyris, before Hermias agent of Paniscus, agoranomos. Psenmenches son of Panechates, Persian of the Epigone, aged about 55 years, of medium height, fair-skinned, smooth-haired, bald in front, long-faced, straight-nosed, with a scar on the left cheek, limping on the right foot, with the concurrence of his son Harpaesis son of Psenmenches, Persian, aged about 30 years, of medium height, fair-skinned, rather curly-haired, long-faced, straight-nosed, without distinguishing mark, has sold the house belonging to him, built and furnished with vaults and doors, with the attached courtyard, situated in the northern part of Pathyris, its boundaries being, on the south the house of Nechoutes son of Panechates, on the north the house of Cephalon, on the east a street, on the west the house of Portis son of Petesouchus with a street between, or whatever the boundaries may be all round. Peteesis, son of Ones, Persian, aged about 40 years, of medium height, fair-skinned, rather curly-haired, with a scar on the forehead, has purchased it for 4 talents of copper. Negotiator and guarantor of all the terms of this deed of sale Psenmenches the vendor, whom Peteesis the purchaser has accepted. Registered by me, Hermias agent of Paniscus. Year 14, Choiach 2, at Pathyris, before Hermias agent of Paniscus, agoranomus. Psenmenches son of Panechates, Persian of the Epigone, acknowledges that he abandons possession of the house which he has sold, built and furnished with doors, with the attached courtyard, situated in the northern part of Pathyris, its boundaries being, on the south the house of Nechoutes son of Panechates, on the north the house of Cephalon, on the east a street, on the west the house of Portis son of Petesouchus with a street between, or whatever the boundaries may be, of which house he has made a deed of sale to Peteesis at the same record-office for 4 talents of copper, and that neither Psenmenches himself nor any of his assigns shall take proceedings against Peteesis or any of his assigns; and if anyone does so, the proceedings shall be invalid and in addition the aggressor shall straightway forfeit a penalty of 8 talents of copper and a fine, consecrated to the Crown, of 160 drachmas of coined silver, and he shall be none the less bound to conform to the above terms. This agreement shall be valid wherever produced. Registered by me, Hermias agent of Paniscus.
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