
Select Papyri, 1.117


Greek text:   PGiess B.20
Date:   1st half of 2nd cent. A.D.

. . . letters of recommendation to the epistrategos, in case he should reach you first. I also instructed the soldier Antoninus, who was in the service of the epistrategos Vindex along with me, and who has now sailed up with the epistrategos, to assist you in all the business but none the less I have now sent you a letter to him. The documents about the slaves I have not found up to the present; for actually neither the deed of sale from you to Achilleus nor that from Achilleus to the lady now at rest has been found with me. Achilleus too is away from home and the thing beats me, as I am not accustomed to throw away any papers at all, especially those of importance. Moreover the person who bought the other slave from you, a petty pleader at the court of the dicaeodotes, after frequently promising to tell us the date of the sale has played us false. If you can remember the date and the office through which it was concluded, let me know, and look among your papers whether the deed of sale to Apollonarion is not there, and if you know by what scribe the conveyance from you to Achilleus was made, write me word; for it has not been found with the scribe Potammon. To prevent anyone from molesting you in the meantime, I have written to the secretary of the strategos, introducing the young Heracleides and explaining the matter, in order that he may devise some other means until I send the documents or come myself. Uphold the letter about Sarapion as your justified action to those who question you and to Sarapion himself, appreciating the importance of the matter. And if you sail down auspiciously, bring a good bed to send to Philus for his good behaviour towards us, or any other gift you think proper. I pray for your health, sister. Give my salutations to Heracleides and Isis. Ptolemaeus salutes you all. Mecheir 28.

papyrus 118

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