
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 64.492


Greek text:   SEG_64.492 
Provenance:     Doliche , Thessaly
Date: 167 B.C. 
Tags:     roman_letters
Format:   see key to translations

This inscription was published in 2014 with a French translation and commentary by R.Bouchon ( ). It contains part of a list of confiscated property, followed by two letters to the Thessalian city of Gonnoi, written soon after the Roman conquest of Macedonia. According to the editor, the style of the letters suggests that they were composed by Aemilius Paullus himself, rather than by a secretary. Certainly the language is unusually blunt - not surprisingly, Greek inscriptions tended to record the pronouncements of Roman magistrates only if they were favourable to the Greek cities.

There is an assessment in English by G.Kantor, in "Legalism: Property and Ownership", pp.68-69 ( Google Books ).


[B]   Lucius Aemilius son of Lucius, pro-consul of the Romans, to the tagoi of Gonnoi, greetings.  Demophilos of Dolichē has met with me, 10 and he says that (?) some persons are contesting the land that has been ceded to him, claiming that this happened without the approval of us and the ten commissioners, and for this reason . . . should occupy the land.  Therefore you ought to have punished those who were preventing the man [from taking] what had been granted to him.  Now at last, take care about this matter, that he should receive what was granted to him in the ordinance which was sent to you previously; and if any persons are similarly (?) in difficulty, [report] to us [? promptly] so that we may consider what they say and make a decision. 

[C]   20 Lucius Aemilius son of Lucius, pro-consul of the Romans, to the magistrates of Gonnoi.  Concerning Demophilos, my friend, I have twice [? sent instructions] to you that he should receive the land and house that have been granted to him.  You seem to be completely witless, not to have been concerned at how Philinias and Aischylos were hindering (?) him.  Therefore you ought all [to have suffered] a greater punishment for not attempting to do what is right, and for associating with these wretches; but (?) I have written to the general of the Perrhaiboi and to the councillors {synedroi} . . . [that] he should receive what has been granted [to him] . . . 30 . . . 

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