This inscription was first published in 2007, with a French translation and commentary, by A.Tziafalias & B.Helly, "Décrets inédits de Larissa (3)" ( Persée ). It contains three decrees. A is a decree of Larisa in honour of the Athenian philosopher Alexandros ( for a similar decree , see SEG_56.636 ). B is a decree of Larisa, issued in the same year, in honour of three men from Kos. C is a decree of the Molossians, honouring judges who were sent from Larisa to arbitrate in disputes between the Molossians and the Acarnanians.
[With good fortune. When the tagoi of the] city were Diotimos son of Hermias, Aristokrates son of Polykleitos, Kleonikos son of Menneias, Dionysios son of Kratinos and Eurykles son of Peisias; and the gymnasiarchs up to the fourth day of the month of Homoloios were Pherekrates son of Phrixos and Nyssandros son of Aristion, and from the fifth day of Homoloios onwards were Timasitheos son of Aristophylos and Arteas son of Archelaos; and the general of the Thessalians was Pausanias of Pherai, the son of Thrasymedes; and the treasurer for the second six-month period was Thrasippos son of Thrason.
[A] 10 Since Alexandros of Athens, the son of Alexandros, when Stratippos and Damonikos were gymnasiarchs, and they sent to him at Athens, requesting him to come to Larisa in order to give lectures in the gymnasium, arrived in Larisa in their term of office, and conducted himself during his residence here in a seemly manner, as was appropriate for philosophy; and he gave the lectures in the gymnasium in a very well-ordered manner, devoting himself to the benefit of the youths; therefore, so that the people of Larisa may be seen to acknowledge with kindness those who visit here for the benefit of the youths, and to recognise that those who pursue the finest of professions 20 are worthy of commemoration and honour, as proposed by Kleonikos son of Menneias on behalf of the tagoi, it was resolved by the people of Larisa to praise Alexandros son of Alexandros for the matters described in the decree; there shall be granted to him and his descendants by the people Larisa proxeny, equal citizenship, the right of ownership, inviolability both in war and in peacetime, and the other rights and privileges which are held by the other proxenoi and citizens. So that the people of Athens may also bear witness to the honours granted to Alexandros by the people of Larisa, the tagoi shall write concerning these matters to the generals and the people of Athens. 30 This decree shall be valid for all time, and the treasurers of the city shall let a contract for it to be inscribed on a stone pillar and placed in the temple of Apollo Kerdoios, and they shall give money for the cost of this from the public revenues; and it shall be recorded among the votes of the people.
[B] Since Kallipidas son of Kallipidas, Aischylos son of Adokētos and Diokles son of Xenotimos, all from Kos, have continually shown goodwill towards the people of Larisa, both to those who are sent out by the city on public business and those of our citizens who visit Kos for private reasons, 40 and have been seen to devote themselves to providing everything that is requested and that is useful to the city and to those who come to them privately, with all zeal and honourable conduct; thereby making clear the goodwill that they have, as is testified for them by many of our citizens; therefore, so that the people of Larisa may be seen to acknowledge with kindness those who give assistance to it and to render suitable rewards to noble men, as proposed by Kleonikos son of Menneias on behalf of the tagoi, it was resolved by the people of Larisa to praise Kallipidas son of Kallipidas, Aischylos son of Adokētos and Diokles son of Xenotimos, all from Kos, for the goodwill and good attitude which they continually have towards our city; there shall be granted to them and their descendants by the people Larisa 50 proxeny, equal citizenship, the right of ownership, inviolability both in war and in peacetime, and all the other rights and privileges which are held by the other proxenoi and benefactors. This decree shall be valid for all time, and the treasurers of the city shall let a contract for it to be inscribed on a stone pillar and placed in the temple of Apollo Kerdoios, and they shall give money for the cost of this from the public revenues; and it shall be recorded among the votes of the people.
[C] The league of the Molossians crowns the people of Larissa and the judges in Dodona. On the fourteenth day of the month of Eukleios, when Menedamos was president; proxeny for the judges. As proposed by Andromachos of Dodona, the son of Antibolos, 60 concerning proxeny for the judges who came from Larissa: Pyron son of Glauketas, Alkippos son of Aischrion, and Kratinos son of Meidias, all from Larissa; he described their good conduct during their residence here and the judging that they performed, on account of which he thinks that they should be honoured; it was resolved by the Molossians that proxeny shall be granted to Pyron son of Glauketas, Alkippos son of Aischrion, and Kratinos son of Meidias, all from Larissa; and to praise them for conducting the law cases correctly and justly with respect to the nation of the Molossians and the nation of the Acarnanians, and for their good conduct during their residence, which they made in a manner worthy of themselves and worthy of the people who sent them and of the nation of the Molossians; and they and their descendants shall have the status of proxenoi and benefactors of the Molossians for all time, and they shall have the right to own land and buildings in Molossia, 70 and security and inviolability for themselves and their possessions, as regards the Molossians, by land and by sea both in war and in peacetime, and freedom from taxes and full rights and all the other rights and privileges as are granted to the other proxenoi and benefactors of the Molossians; and to praise the city of Larissa for sending out noble men who who have been worthy of their fatherland; and to crown the people of Larissa with a golden crown and to crown each of the judges with a golden crown; and to invite them to the public hearth, and to give them the largest gifts of hospitality that are prescribed by law. Menedamos the president shall take care that the proxeny and the privileges are inscribed at Dodona [in the] most [prominent] place 80 in the temple of Zeus Naos and Dione, and at Larissa in the temple of Apollo Kerdoios . . . those who conducted themselves in a manner worthy . . .
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