Although most of the second half of this inscription has been lost, it is clear that within a few years Zopyros had acquired a large amount of land, all in the same region; there is a thorough study of the inscription by M.B.Hatzopoulos, "A list of sales from Mieza and the constitution of extensive landed properties in the Central Macedonian plain" ( PDF ). The title given to some local officials, rendered here as 'tagōnatai', is very unusual; see B. Helly & M. Mari, "Tagoi, tagai e *tagonatai in Macedonia" ( ).
The first half of the translation is adapted from R. Zelnick-Abramovitz, "Public Registers of Land Sales
in Ancient Greece", p. 50 ( PDF ). There is a French translation by J.Game, "Actes de vente dans le monde grec", pp.96-97 ( Persée ).
[A] Zopyros son of Gorgias bought from . . . 179 plethra, 75 akainai of land in the vicinity of Droiestai, at the rate of 70 drachmas a plethron. He paid the entire sum. Guarantors: Hektor of Skydra, the son of Mannias, and Attinas of Neapolis, the son of Andronikos. The sale took place in the month of Peritios, when Onomarchos was the epistatēs, Nikanor was the priest, and Eupolemos and Nikanor were the tagōnatai.
Witnesses : Asklepiodoros son of Sopatros ; Antiphilos son of Ba... ; Diogenes son of Pythogenes ; Philos son of Dropidas ; Philippos of Skydra, the son of Am..yktos ; Menon of Skydra, the son of Molon ; Tolon son of Hadrymos
[B] Zopyros son of Gorgias bought from Adrastos a plot in the vicinity of Neapolis and Droiestai, 179 plethra, 78 akainai, adjoining the properties he had bought from Krateros and from Attinas, at the rate of 70 drachmas a plethron. Guarantor: Orestes of Marinia, the son of Zolos. He paid the entire sum. The sale took place in the month of Peritios, when Onomarchos was the epistatēs, Nikanor was the priest of Asklepios, and Eupolemos and Nikanor were the tagōnatai.
Witnesses of the judges : Lysanias son of Sikittos ; Eupolemos son of Tartis ; and with the judges : Nikandros son of Sibyrtios ; Olympichos son of Sakolas ; Tolon son of Hadrymos ; Asklepiodoros son of Sopatros
[C] Zopyros son of Gorgias bought from Eupolemos son of Startis a plot in Droiestai, ... plethra of unplanted land, adjoining the vines of Attinas and the land which Zopyros bought from Bion, at the rate of 70 drachmas a plethron. He paid the entire sum. Guarantor: Attinas son of Andronikos. The sale took place in the month of Peritios, when Onomarchos was the epistatēs, Nikanor was the priest of Asklepios, and Eupolemos and Nikanor were the tagōnatai.
Witnesses of the judges : Lysanias son of Sikittos ; and of the others : Nikandros son of Sibyrtios ; Olympichos son of Sakolas ; Antileon son of Philagros ; Tolon son of Hadrymos
[D] Zopyros son of Gorgias bought from Antileon son of Philagros a plot in the vicinity of Sisia, 5 plethra 30 akainai, at the rate of 64 drachmas a plethron. The neighbours (of the land) are Olympichos son of Sakolas and Sopyros himself. He paid the entire sum. Guarantor: Nikandros son of Sibyrtios. The sale took place in the month of Peritios, when Onomarchos was the epistatēs, Nikanor was the priest of Asklepios, and Eupolemos and Nikanor were the tagōnatai.
Witnesses of the judges : Lysanias son of Sikittos ; Eupolemos son of Startis ; . . .
[E] . . . in the vicinity of [Sisia] . . .
[F] . . . in the vicinity of Sisia . . . [when] Eakytas [was the epistatēs] . . .
[G] . . . in the vicinity of Sisia . . .
[H] . . . in Gameion . . . [when] Eakytas [was the epistatēs] . . .
[I] . . . [adjoining the property] of Sopatros . . .
[J] . . . [in] Gameion . . .
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