These two decrees in honour of Apollonios provide much new information about the troubled period when the former Attalid kingdom in Asia Minor came under Roman control. The English translations by C.P. Jones (2004) have been copied from the EDEN database, which is currently unavailable.
[A] When Metrophanes son of Apollonios son of . . . was priest, and . . . son of Deonnys, son by birth of Demetrios was priest of Roma, on the sixth day of the month Daisios, it was resolved by the council, on the [motion] of the stratēgoi led by Alexandros son of Trōilos:
Whereas Apollonios, son of Attalos, son of Andron both formerly contributed every kind of zeal for the city's affairs, [declining] neither danger nor hardship, in consequence of which {i.e., his actions} it came about that the people came to a much better condition, since he produced many proofs in the most critical times of his goodwill towards his [city], and undertook many struggles before the kings and the other officials honestly and with all persistence, and in a way appropriate for a good man and true who had proved himself a protector and helper of the city;
In consequence of which the people, having the highest opinion of him, 10 and thinking it honourable to pay the appropriate thanks to those who have done everything for the city with good will, continued in every respect to think him worthy of honour and concern, and showed also by decree the virtue and excellence that pertained him to the man through his whole life;
And now, king Philometor having passed away, and the Romans, the general benefactors and saviours, having given, as they have decreed, freedom to all those who were formerly subject to the kingdom of Attalos, and when Aristonikos came and wanted to take away the freedom given to us by the senate, Apollonios undertook both to say and to do everything against the man who had appropriated the throne for himself against the decision of the Romans, the general benefactors, nobly clinging to freedom in accordance with the policy of the people;
And when the need arose for young men {i.e., men of military age} to be sent to the camp 20 by Thyateira, the people, having from the first chosen the cause of the Roman people and friendship and alliance with them, and having with the greatest joy received freedom, and wishing to display its own policy and the goodwill that it has towards the Roman cause in the most critical circumstances, voted as leader in charge of the expedition of the young men Apollonios, son of Attalos, son of Andron, and he, undertaking the position and wishing to be true to himself, and to make his good will towards his city and the Romans apparent by deeds as well, taking the young men placed under his command and reaching Publius, Gaius and Papius, who were in charge of the army, and joining them in the forays that took place and in other duties, ensured the discipline of the young men, and made clear his own courage to all those present and subordinate to him, and, never declining the conflict that he was to face with his opponents, maintained 30 in deeds of war as well, together with the young men, the virtue and glory that belonged previously to our forefathers, as was attested for him;
And finally, when the action was about to be completed, he urged on his fellow-soldiers as was fitting for him and our city, and thinking it honourable, after contending on behalf of his city and his fellow-citizens and the freedom that had been restored, to have as his grave-monument the glory and honour that would come to him, and for this reason, when he had entered the fray with the young men and had fallen, and the Assembly having instructed the generals to take the most honourable forethought for him:
Therefore it was resolved by the people: to praise Apollonios, son of Attalos, son of Andron, who had previously been a good man and true with regard to the community, and now had fought well and worthily of his own virtue and of the city's belief about him; and to set up a bronze image of him on a marble pedestal in the most conspicuous place of the agora, placing on it the inscription: "The people honoured Apollonios, son of Attalos, son of Andron, for his excellence and the goodwill that he continually had towards the Roman 40 cause and the city";
And when his sons, Attalos and Hagesandros, said that they would give the required expenditure for these purposes from their own funds, it was resolved to praise these too for their goodwill towards the people and their affection towards their father; and it was resolved to give his sons permission to construct a heroön before the gate on their private property; and to effect speedily the return of the bones, so that, as soon as the legates who have arrived from the senate, by their own bravery and virtue having achieved the rout of Aristonikos, have set affairs in peace and lawfulness, Apollonios having been in all respects a good man towards the people may receive a fitting burial.
And let his decree be written up in the agora on a pedestal, and also the one previously passed for him, so that the others too, knowing the attitude that the People has towards good men and true, may themselves be turned towards virtue; and let also the names of those who fell in the battle be inscribed, so that they too may receive honour from the People.
Asklepiades son of Asklepiades the son of Demetrios | Perigenes son of Apollodotos |
50 Hēgades son of Peroitios, Alexandros son of Kallikrates | Papylos son of Papylos |
Sarapion son of Dikaiogenes | Solon son of Sokrates |
Apollonios son of Kyniskos | Apollonios son of Matreas |
Metrodoros son of Metrodoros | Kleonikos son of Kleon |
Neon son of Diomedes | |
Diodotos son of Demetrios the son of Killamasis | |
...monos son of Eukles the son of Meixidemos |
[B] In the fifteenth year of king Attalos Philadelphos, on the sixth day of the month Panemos, it was resolved by the council, on the motion of the generals Andromachos son of Kyniskos, Hēgelochos son of Mousaios, Philippos son of Philippos, Boutheras son of Neon, Hagesandros son of Hagesandros:
Whereas Apollonios, son of Attalos, son of Andron, having received the most excellent upbringing since his earliest years, has chosen to concern himself with the best course of action and to strive for virtue in everything, industriously and with discipline arranging his own life, so that not only in his city has he won the good opinion of his fellow citizens, but also abroad, in the cities which he has visited, he has made himself conspicuous, bringing a certain honour to his ancestral city, receiving testimony from the cities to his good repute; 10 and on his return from his absence abroad, he entered into political life suitably, and made himself useful in public services, giving of himself unsparingly, as was fitting for a citizen affectionate towards his city;
And he has continued to go on embassies to the king and others with all energy, falling short in no degree of zeal and ambition; and in the disputes with the neighbours about land, a thing that is of the highest importance for a city, making every consideration secondary to his goodwill towards the city he took the leading role in contributing his own tirelessness and zeal, never for his own advantage compromising the city's common interests; as a result of which it came about that the interests of the people were preserved, and no loss was incurred;
And with reference to the taxes devised for us by those who had bought the right to levy the tolls 20 of the Kaÿstrian harbour, when he had fallen into the greatest anxiety and perturbation, Apollonios considering the loss that had befallen the city to be his own, neglecting all his own concerns, when called upon underwent judgment against these too, through which he preserved the established concession in the matter of the taxes;
And he obtained from the king through his own persistence for the young men as well 500 drachmas every year for supplying oil, and similarly also for the free boys 500 drachmas for their lessons, which brought the city no slight honour; and in all other respects he consistently engages in politics, incorruptibly and eagerly devoting himself to everything that is honourable;
Wherefore the people in all matters (?) . . . wishing in accordance with justice in honour and consideration . . . 30 continues . . . Apollonios and attesting to (?) his . . . for . . ., so that both he in accordance with right [may receive fitting] honour [and others,] seeing the people's [opinion] about [good men may desire] to compete in virtue, having . . . [the people's] gratitude;
Be it resolved by the people: [to praise him for the] aforementioned acts, and when the decree [is read out to crown him in the] theatre, with the herald pro[claiming: "The people crowns Apollonios, son of Attalos, son of] Andron [as having been a good] man [and true towards the citizenry." And] let Apollonios make [a sacrifice to Ares on the people's behalf together with the] Elders {presbyteroi}, in accordance with the ancestral 40 customs.
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