This inscription was first published, with a French translation and commentary, by J.Bousquet & Ph.Gauthier, "Inscriptions du Létôon de Xanthos" ( Persée ). They suggest that it was probably slightly later in date than the other significant Lycian inscription from this period, the decree of Araxa in honour of Orthagoras ( SEG_18.570 ). It is curious that this treaty of isopoliteia was made by two cities who already belonged to the same federation, the Lycian League; it is apparently unique amongst surviving Hellenistic treaties in that respect. There is a detailed account of the Lycian League by R.Behrwald in "Federalism in Greek Antiquity", pp.403-418 ( 2015 - not available online ).
When Ptolemaios was priest of Apollo, and Daidalos was priest of Roma, and Artapates was priest 'on behalf of the city', we - Antigonos son of Antigonos from the deme of Iobates, and Symmachos son of Lykiskos from the deme of the town, and Lykiskos son of Euelton from the deme of Sarpedon, and Amyntas son of Demeas from the deme of Sarpedon, and Eunomos son of Pyrrichos from the deme of Iobates, the men who were chosen by the people to compose and introduce a treaty to enable isopoliteia between the Xanthians and the Myrans - have composed a treaty, being fully empowered to do so, along with the men 10 who were sent by the Myrans, namely Pleistarchos son of Pleistarchos, Argaios son of Satyros and Dexiphanes son of Tandasis, who were also fully empowered to do so, as follows.
There shall be isopoliteia between the Xanthians and the Myrans on these terms, that whoever of the Xanthians wish to be enrolled in the citizen body in Myra shall bring letters from their magistrates to the magistrates of the Myrans and shall share in all the privileges that the other Myrans share in, 20 and shall be reckoned as belonging to whichever tribe or deme they wish, and the prytaneis must immediately enrol them in the tribe and deme. In the same way also whoever of the Myrans wish to be enrolled in the citizen body in Xanthos shall bring letters from their magistrates to the magistrates of the Xanthians and shall share in all the privileges that the other Xanthians share in, and shall be reckoned as belonging to whichever tribe or deme they wish, 30 and the prytaneis must immediately enrol them in the tribe and deme. Whoever, after the ratification of this treay, become citizens of Xanthos {or Myra} and wish to be enrolled in the citizen body of each city, they shall be permitted to be enrolled, after obtaining letters, only if they have resided in the city or its suburbs, from where they bring the letters, for at least three years. It shall be permitted for this treaty to be amended in the common interest, 10 after the cities have sent envoys to each other. This treaty shall be inscribed on two stone steles; one of them shall be set up by the Xanthians in the temple of Leto, and the other shall be
set up by the Myrans in the temple of Artemis.
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