The regulations for this fund show that it was not used as interest-generating capital, but was actively managed by the magistrates each year to provide a quantity of cheap grain. A similar procedure is described in a fragment of a decree found in Samothrace ( Greek text: SEG_36.788 ).
The inscription was re-edited with a French translation and a full discussion of the financial details by L. Migeotte, "Un fonds d'achat de grain à Coronée" ( Persée ).
. . . seven hundred drachmas and that they be consecrated for all time; and that with this money grain shall be purchased each year and sold at a reduced price in the future; therefore so that the gods may receive honour and the city may receive a benefit and so that the purpose of the donor may be fulfilled, it is resolved by the people that Antigenidas shall pay the money to the polemarchs in full view of the people, when the decree has been validated; and that the polemarchs shall buy grain before the month of Pamboiotios, 10 either making the purchase for the value of the money if they consider that right, or after having changed the money if they so decide, with the cooperation of the donor during this year; and that they shall report on their methods of working to the people in the electoral assembly, and that they shall give a report of the income and expenditure to the controllers {katoptai}. When the grain has been purchased, they shall measure it out to the polemarchs in office before the 30th of the month Hermaios, according to the moon god; and the polemarchs to whom the grain has been measured out shall sell it at a reduced price in the month of Homoloïos, 20 from the eleventh day until it has been sold to all, by selling each day not more than thirty kophinoi at the price that the people have fixed by vote, in the same way as the rest of the public grain. When they have sold all the grain, let them calculate, with the controllers {katoptai}, the sum collected from this price; if there is more than seven hundred drachmas of silver, they shall immediately pay the surplus to the treasurer, so that this sum may belong to the city and may be available for the administration of the city; if there is a deficit, 30 the treasurer who is presiding during the second four-month period shall give the polemarchs the extra money up to the total of seven hundred drachmas, and they shall remit . . .
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