The city of Myous had been in decline for some time before the date of this inscription , and as a result it was absorbed by Miletos through sympoliteia ( Strab_14,1.10,636 ), probably in the 3rd century B.C. There is therefore some doubt as to whether this decree was enacted by the people of Miletos, or by Myous still acting as an independent city; the issue is discussed by J.LaBuff, "Polis Expansion and Elite Power in Hellenistic Karia", pp.90-92 ( Google Books ). Eirenias, who was appointed as envoy to take the decree to Eumenes, is mentioned in another decree as a Milesian envoy to Eumenes and to Antiochos IV ( Burstein_40 ).
There is a French translation of the inscription by Marie Bolduc, "Analyse et définition d'une institution des cités grecques hellénistiques", annexe 1, no.15B ( PDF ).
. . . love of glory. And they shall loan out the collected amount, so that the income resulting [from it] will be in accordance with the commands of the decree; and the secretary shall take thought in the election of offices for how the priesthood of divine Eumenes is sold; and men shall be chosen who will bring in the ordinance concerning the priesthood and arrange what has been decreed according to the laws which are Myesian; and this decree shall be inscribed on the platform {bema}, on which will be placed the statue of the king, as well as on the vestibule of the temple of [Apollo] Termintheus; and the treasurer shall take care of the expense that arises for these things from all the resulting income, and he shall record it in the accounts; and two envoys shall be chosen, who upon selection shall go the [king] and give [the decree] to him and invite him to consider how, by taking thought of [his own] glories and the honours of the people he should ever be the [cause] of some good [to us]; and they shall take thought as to how the . . . be set up by him, just as also through the earlier decree the people . . . and also Eirenias [promised] to deliver fitting words [and to do whatever] good they are able for the people. Eirenias son of Ei[renias and] . . . were chosen.
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