Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 26.208
Greek text: SEG_26.208
Date: c. 230 B.C.
Tags: poets+musicians
Format: see key to translations
This is a fragment of a much larger inscription, containing the details of actors' competitions over many years. By this time a large proportion of the plays performed in Athens were revivals of old plays - both tragedies and comedies. There is a commentary on this fragment in S.D. Olson & B.W. Millis, "Inscriptional Records for the Dramatic Festivals in Athens", pp.125-128 ( Google Books ).
[A] . . .
- . . . Aristodemos was third . . .
[When] Alkibiades was archon : { 237/6 B.C.}
- Nikokles was agonothete
- In old comedy, Kallias won the contest, in the '...anthropoi' of Diphilos
- Dioskourides was second, in the 'Phasma' of Menandros
- . . . was third, in the 'Ptōchē' of Philemon
- In old [satyr-plays], . . . won the contest, in the 'Hermes' of . . .
- . . . was second, in the 'Atlas' of . . .
- . . . [was third], in the 'Mathē...' of . . .
- [In old tragedy,] . . . . . .
[B] . . .
- In [old] tragedy, . . . won the contest, in the . . . of Sophokles
- . . . was second, in the 'Ixion' of . . .
- . . . [was third, in the] 'Oidipous' . . . . . .
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| 01.05.24
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