This decree does not specify the occasion on which Hegesimachos performed his recitals, but during the second century B.C. Tanagra instituted a festival called Sarapieia, which included contests for various categories of musicians and poets. For an analysis of a list of victors in the Sarapieia ( SEG_25.501 ), see Z.Papakonstantinou, "The Hellenistic Agonothesia: Finances, Ideology, Identities", page 100 ( ).
The translation is partly adapted from D.Roller, "Tanagran Studies", vol. 1, no. 88.
When Antinikos was archon, in the month of Hermaios; the ratification of a grant of proxeny. It was resolved by the magistrates and councillors {synedroi} of Tanagra that, since Hegesimachos of Athens, the son of Hegesimachos, having come to our city along with his son Hegesimachos, being a musician, gave recitals which were both theoretical and practical, lasting several days, in which he was highly esteemed, having genuine skill; and since they conducted themselves during thir residence in a fine and seemly manner, as befits those who are well educated; therefore, so that our city may be seen 10 to honour those who bring and share their accomplishments in our city, it is resolved by the council and the people to praise Hegesimachos of Athens, the son of Hegesimachos, and his son Hegesimachos for the visit that they made here and their goodwill towards our city and their diligence in their profession; they shall have the status of proxenoi and benefactors of the city, both for themselves and for their descendants, and they shall have inviolability and security, both by land and by sea, both in war and in peacetime, and all the other privileges that have been prescribed for other proxenoi and benefactors of the city. They shall be invited to hospitality 20 at the public hearth in the prytaneion; and this decree shall be inscribed in the most prominent place in the agora.
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