Royal Correspondence: 5
Greek text: Didyma_19 ( OGIS_214 )
Date: 288/7 B.C.
Tags: accounts+inventories
Format: see key to translations
Seleukos had consulted the oracle at Didyma many years before he became king ( App:Syr_56 ), and his great generosity towards the temple of Apollo also helped to maintain good relations with the city of Miletos; see J.Fontenrose, "Didyma: Apollo's Oracle, Cult, and Companions", pp. 16-17 ( Google Books ).
When Poseidippos was stephanephoros, and the stewards of the sacred treasures were:
- Timeas son of Phryson
- Aristagoras son of Philemon
- Kleomedes son of Kreson
- Philippos son of Sosistratos
- Alexandros son of Lochegos
- Polyxenos son of Babon
kings Seleukos and Antiochos made the offerings written in this letter.
King Seleukos to the council and the people of Miletos, greetings. We have sent to the sanctuary of Didymaean Apollo, as offerings to the Saviour Gods, the great lamp-stand and cups of gold and silver bearing inscriptions; they are under the escort of Polianthes. When he comes, then, do you take them, with good fortune, and deposit them in the sanctuary, so that you may use them for libations and other uses in behalf of your health and fortune and the safety of the city, for which I wish and you pray. Carry out the written instructions of Polianthes and dedicate the objects sent you and perform the sacrifice which we have enjoined on him. Aid him in seeing that things are done properly. I have written the list of the gold and silver vessels sent to the sanctuary so that you may know the type and the weight of each one. Farewell.
List of the gold vessels which were sent:
- A phiale of date pattern, inscribed "of Good Luck," weight 247 drachmas
- Another of date pattern, inscribed "of Osiris", weight 190 drachmas
- Another of date pattern, inscribed "of Leto", weight 198 drachmas 3 obols
- Another of ray pattern, inscribed "of Hekate", weight 113 drachmas
- A pair of double deer-head rhytons, inscribed "of Apollo", weight 318 drachmas 3 obols
- Another double deer-head rhyton, inscribed "of Artemis", weight 161 drachmas
- A horn, inscribed "to Zeus the Saviour", weight 173 drachmas 3 obols
- A wine-pitcher, inscribed "of the Saviour Gods", weight 386 drachmas
- A barbaric {Persian} wine-cooler set with gems, inscribed "of Soteira", with seven 'dates' missing, weight 372 drachmas
- A gold bread-platter, weight 1088 drachmas
Total weight of gold vessels, 3248 drachmas 3 obols.
- A silver cup decorated with figures in relief, with a cord, weight 380 drachmas
- A great two-handled wine cooler of silver, weight 9000 drachmas
- Ten talents of frankincense
- One talent of myrrh
- Two minas of casia
- Two minas of cinnamon
- Two minas of costus
- A great bronze lamp-stand
He {Polianthes} brought also a sacrifice for the god, 1000 sheep and 12 steers.
→ letter 6
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| 06.12.16
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