The provenance of this inscription is unknown; it has been suggested that the letter was sent to Iasos, but some scholars consider this unlikely. For another inscription about the Nikephoria games, see Syll_629.
[A] . . . [Wishing that you also should] share the sacrifices and [the games we have sent as envoys] Megon of Ephesos, one of our friends in the highest honour, and Kalas of Pergamon, a man by us considered [able who as a citizen] has attained to everything suitable to his age [and who has been chosen] by his city because it joins us in this proclamation. You will do [well, then], first because of the goddess and then because of us, to hear [these men] kindly and to recognise the [Nikephorian festival and the inviolability of the sanctuary.] So doing you will show that you [join in advancing] her honours and [in the future] you will find [us] very zealous to do according to our power everything advantageous to your people. You will hear at greater length about these matters [from the envoys]. Farewell.
Megon delivered this on the sixth day of Anthesterion.
[B] When Apollonios son of Diogenes was stephanephoros, on the [sixth day] of Anthesterion, it was resolved by the council and the people, as recommended by the prytaneis: since king Eumenes, the son of king Attalos and queen Apollonis, who is, like his ancestors, a friend and well-wisher and benefactor of the people, has written to the council and the people that he previously honoured Athena Nikephoros above all the other gods, because she had brought him many great blessings on every critical occasion, and now he considers the best and most suitable day, on which he won . . . and wishing to increase her honours . . .
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