The surviving fragments of this letter are somewhat puzzling. The words "sister Arsinoē" definitely suggest that the writer of the letter was Ptolemy II. But he died in 246 B.C.; and the other inscriptions concerning the inviolability of Kos are dated to 242-240 B.C. K.Rigsby attempted to solve this problem by maintaining that this inscription was separate from the main archive of documents which were set up in Kos ( "Asylia", pp.108-9 - Google Books ).
. . . matters concerning the sacrifices . . . [our] sister Arsinoē . . . met with us . . . the festival . . . [(?) that there shall be inviolability for those going] to the Asklepieia now [and in the future] . . . we have written [to our subordinates] concerning [these matters] . . .
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