
Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions: 72


Greek text:   Panamara_5 ,   Panamara_6
Provenance:     Panamara , Caria
Date: (A) 201 B.C. ,   (B) 198 B.C.
Format:   see key to translations

In 201 B.C., Philippos made an expedition to Caria and extended his influence there; Panamara had an important temple, close to the city of Stratonikeia (see SEG_45.1556). Information about the earthquake that is mentioned in B can be found in N.Ambraseys, "Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Middle East" ( Google Books ).

[A]   It was resolved [by the community {koinon} of] Panamara: [since king] Philippos is piously [disposed towards the divinity], and after [arriving in this region] he has shown [all] consideration for the temple [of Carian Zeus; and he dedicated] bowls and a jar [to the god; therefore it is resolved by] the community that [king Philippos] shall be praised [because] he shows consideration for the [temple, acting] in accordance [with his good intentions]; and that [the priest along with the priestess] shall offer prayers for the safety of the [king and the] queen and their children, [and at the prayers] they shall present the [traditional] sacrifice. [This decree] shall be inscribed in the entrance [to the temple of Zeus; and the auditors {logistai} shall] give [the money to pay] for the inscription [from the] public revenues.

[B]   In the twenty-third year of the reign of king Philippos, on the seventh day of the month of Xandikos, when Apollo was stephanephoros (?) for the third time, it was resolved by the community {koinon} of [Panamara], in full assembly: [since] Asklepiades of Peuma, the son of (?) Asklepiades, [who was sent as] governor [by king Philippos, has managed the defence] of the [place in a fine and beneficial manner; and he has continually taken good] care [concerning the temple on] every [occasion]; and when the walls were shaken by the earthquake, he showed zeal in repairing everything; and in other matters he treats both everyone in public and each person individually with kindness, acting in accordance with the good intentions of king Philippos; therefore, so that the Panamareis may be seen to honour good men, with good fortune it is resolved by the community: firstly to praise king [Philippos] . . .

inscription 74

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