Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions: 51
Greek text: Didyma_38 ( I.Did. 426 )
Provenance: Didyma
Date: 277/6 B.C.
Tags: accounts+inventories
Format: see key to translations
This list implies that some of the treasures in the temple at Didyma had recently been looted by Galatian raiders.
- . . . a pair . . . (?) the one weighing . . . Alexandrian drachmas and the other weighing fifty six drachmas and three obols.
- A beaker and two bowls, which the people of Miletos caused to be made, weighing three hundred Alexandrian drachmas.
These survived from the war, in the house of Apollo:
- A moulded bowl and an ox's horn, plated with silver.
These survived from the war, in the house of Artemis:
- An Etruscan censer, lacking a block under one of its feet, and the (?) on its muzzle, dedicated by Battis daughter of Pantainos; unweighed.
- A censer, weighing one hundred and thirty four Alexandrian drachmas.
- A small censer, weighing eleven Alexandrian drachmas and three obols.
- Three belts, weighing twelve Alexandrian drachmas.
These and whatever we received from the treasurers of the year when Leosthenes was stephanephoros {278/7 B.C.}, we handed over to the treasurers of the year when the god {Apollo} is stephanephoros {276/5 B.C.} after Poseidippos: Protagoras son of Anaxiphon, Steris son of Steris, Apollas son of Heliodoros, Ornymenos son of Hestiaios, Achaios son of Krates and Dion son of Herakleitos.
→ inscription 52
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| 09.02.16
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