This inscription refers to sympoliteia between Mylasa and Euromos; this method of merging Hellenistic city states was usually successful, but sometimes it caused friction, as the inscription describes. The translation is adapted from a commentary by J.LaBuff, "Polis Expansion and Elite Power in Hellenistic Karia", pp 113-118 ( Google Books ).
Mylasa absorbed yet another neighbouring city, Olymos, through sympoliteia, although the residents of Olymos preserved their own civic identity, as is shown by inscriptions of later in the 2nd century B.C., for instance Olymos_3, which has been translated by J.LaBuff, op.cit., pp.107-8 ( Google Books ). These sympoliteiai of Mylasa are discussed by G.Reger, "Sympoliteiai In Hellenistic Asia Minor", pp.164-169 ( ).
When Hekataios son of Hekataios son of Menexenos was stephanephoros, and Korris son of Hekatomnos, priest of Zeus Labraundos, was secretary to the council, and Hekatomnos son of Aristeas son of Alexandros, Leon son of Aristeas son of Leon son of Aristeas, and Diogenes son of Xenomenes were archons; on the 15th day of the month of Xandikos, when Diogenes son of Xenomenes was presiding archon; it was resolved by the council and the people, as recommended by the archons Hekatomnos, Leon and Diogenes, about what Hekataios son of Melas son of Hypsikles, of the Kormoskoneus clan, recorded: since Moschion son of Aristeides, priest of Zeus Kretagenes and of the Kouretes, has chosen from the start to provide the best things and has prepared himself since the beginning of manhood to be most useful to each of the citizens privately, while publicly arranging what was beneficial to the whole people; and when he came into office he conducted everything in a manner hostile to wickedness and worthy of the whole people; and when the citizens of Euromos entered into sympoliteia with the people, and the sacred equipment as well as everyone's personal effects were still kept in Herakleia, he was sent to the Herakleians and managed matters to the benefit of the city; and when Leonteus, a citizen, stood before the council and the people to complain about the injustices committed against him, and about his possessions that were carried off by men from Herakleia, Moschion was sent to the city of the Herakleians, where he brought forth every grievance, and took care of the restoration of all belongings to the offended party; and when Philippos son of Diophantes came before the council and the assembly, and showed that his slave had been kidnapped and brought to Myndos, Moschion was chosen as envoy to the Myndians, and going abroad he strove to ensure that Philippos obtained [(?) what was just] . . .
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