
Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions: 220


Greek text:   IG_11.4.759 , IG_12.5.817
Provenance:   Delos , Tenos
Date:   195-190 B.C.
Tags:     corn_supply , foreign_residents , leagues
Format:   see key to translations

These inscriptions have been discussed twice by Alain Bresson; firstly in "Timôn de Syracuse et les drachmes rhodiennes à Délos" ( 2001, Persée ); and secondly in "Le change à Délos et la question du kollybos" ( 2014, Persée ).

Timon was a banker, and he is mentioned in several other inscriptions from Delos. Note the contrast between the decree of the Islanders, which describes explicitly the service provided by Timon, and the decree of Delos, which is typically formulaic.

[A]   It was resolved by the council and the people, as proposed by Telemnestos son of Aristeides; since Timon of Syracuse, the son of Nymphodoros, has continually acted as a good man in regard to the temple and the people of Delos, and while residing in Delos over many years he has provided assistance both publicly to the city and privately to those [of the citizens] who approached him, for whatever [they requested of] him, 10 unhesitatingly and with [all zeal and] care;   therefore [it is resolved by the] council and [the people] to praise Timon [of Syracuse], the son of Nymphodoros, for the good attitude that [he continually has in regard to] the temple and [the people of Delos; and] that he shall be [a proxenos and a benefactor] of the temple [and of the Delians, both himself] and his descendants; [and that they shall have the right to own] land [and buildings] in Delos, 20 and they shall have access to [the council and the people], second only [to sacred matters]; [and that that they shall have all the other privileges that are granted to other [proxenoi and benefactors] of the temple [and the Delians. The council shall inscribe] this [decree in] the council house, [and the] hieropoioi shall inscribe it in the temple . . . [on] a stone stele . . . [? Okyneides] son of Heraïppos 30 [put it to the vote].

[B]   . . . [so that] those in the . . . ought to accept the coinage . . . they would have a great [expense] . . . because of the commission charged, [when those] selling [the corn demanded] not [less] than one hundred and five drachmas [in exchange for one] hundred drachmas of Rhodian silver, [and the corn buyers did not agree], at the request of the councillors . . . [wishing] to oblige them in all matters, he did not exact [any commission] for this silver money, but provided [it with no] commission charged, 10 and provided a saving of . . . [drachmas] for the Islanders, acting in accordance with his habitual goodwill towards the league of the [Islanders];   therefore, so that the councillors may be seen to show [due gratitude] to those who choose to be the benefactors of [the league] of the Islanders, with good fortune, it is resolved by [the councillors] to praise Timon of Syracuse, the son of Nymphodoros, and to crown him with a golden crown, the [largest] that is prescribed by law, on account of his virtue and the goodwill that he continually [has] towards the league of the Islanders; and [he and his] descendants shall be proxenoi and benefactors of the league of the Islanders, 20 and they shall have access to the council, [if] they have need of anything; and they shall be invited to the sacred rites and to every [sacrifice], which the councillors perform to the gods on behalf of [the good fortune and] safety of the Islanders. In order that everyone [may know], what a good attitude the league of the Islanders has towards its [benefactors], the treasurer Euphraios shall inscribe this decree on [two steles], and shall set up one of them on Delos in the temple [ of Apollo ], and the other on Tenos in the temple of Poseidon [ and Amphitrite ]; and envoys shall be chosen to go to the Delians, [who shall request] a site for the stele. From the funds that [? Timon preserved for us, the treasurer] Euphraios [shall pay] 30 the cost of the steles and shall giveto Timon the money [for the golden] crown.
The following were chosen as envoys:   . . . of Tenos, son of Pyrrakos; Tharsagoras of Siphnos, son of Polykles

inscription 221

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