This inscription was found on the same stone as several other inscriptions, including a decree in honour of the Roman M. Vallius ( Greek text: IAegThr_8 ). The text contains many gaps, which have been restored by comparison with other inscriptions.
For the background to the inscription, see M. Rostovtzeff, "Social And Economic History Of The Hellenistic World", Vol.2, pp.759-762 ( ); also F. Carlą-Uhink , "The 'Birth' of Italy: The Institutionalization of Italy as a Region", p. 321 ( Google Books ). The reference in line 37 to 'freedom for the city' may refer to the events of 170 B.C., when the Roman senate restored freedom to Abdera, after the city had been sacked by L. Hortensius. The financial arrangements in the decree have been discussed by C. Samitz , "Temporary Gifts:Advances of Money Made by Financial Magistrates in Hellenistic Cities", pp.14-15 ( ).
Proposal of the nomophylakes. Since [Gaius Apustius] of Rome, [the son of Marcus, takes] the utmost [care of the city for its] advantage, [in a manner worthy of his own] virtue and good judgment, and being also [(?) patron of the city he keeps] our people in peace [and on every occasion] he shows himself [helpful to us] and is a benefactor [both publicly of the city and privately of those citizens] who entreat him; [and at his own risk] he preserves our [rights, throughout all giving] demonstrations of his [goodwill] towards the people; [and when] he resided [in our city] on many occasions 10 [his conduct was orderly] and self-controlled; [therefore], so that [the people] may be seen to be grateful and to honour those [men who are good, it was resolved by the] council and the people that [Gaius Apustius] of Rome, [the son of Marcus, shall be] praised for the good attitude that he continues [to have towards] our [people], and for [conducting his residence here in a fine] and seemly manner, worthy [of the Roman people and of] our city; [and that his son Publius] Apustius son of Gaius shall be] praised [for maintaining the] virtue [inherited from his father]; and that they shall be invited [to privileged seating] at the Dionysia games, 20 in every [year for as long as they live; and that] Gaius shall be crowned with a golden crown, and the sacred herald shall make [this proclamation: "The people] crowns Gaius Apustius of Rome, [the son of] Marcus, [with a golden] crown, on account of his virtue and [his righteousness towards the people;" and similarly] his son [Publius Apustius son of Gaius] shall be crowned, [and the sacred herald shall make] a proclamation as written above; and that a] gilded [bronze statue of Gaius Apustius [of Rome, the son of Marcus, shall be made] from
[three thousand] Alexandrian drachmas, and the [current] nomophylakes shall let out [a contract for this task; 30 the steward] . . . son of Soterichos shall pay for [the cost of this, together with] the man in charge of the funds, [and the money shall be repaid to them] from [the revenues] that come in; and they shall set up [the statue] in Thessalonikē, in whatever] place [is provided to them]; the statue shall have this inscription: "[The people of Abdera honours Gaius] Apustius of Rome, the son of Marcus, [who has brought about] freedom for our city." [In return for the services that] they have [provided] to us, [they] shall be granted [freedom from all taxes, the right to] sail into and out of [our harbours inviolably and without] formality, 40 and access to the council [and the people, second only] after sacred and public matters; [and the current] nomophylakes [shall give to them] a copy [of this decree], in a double-document {diplōma} sealed [with the public seal]. This decree [shall be for showing the gratitude of the people].
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