
Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions: 210


Greek text:   Entella_A1 ,   Entella_B1 ,   Entella_C1 ,   Entella_C3 
Provenance:   Entella, Sicily 
Date:     (?) c. 250 B.C.
Tags:     corn_supply ,   isopoliteia ,   synoecism
Format:   see key to translations

Bronze tablets from Entella started to appear for sale in the 20th century, and six of them were first published in 1980. There are now eight known tablets (including one that comes from the small town of Nakone: see SEG 30.1119 ). Apart from the four translated here, there are also decrees in honour of the cities of Enna, Egesta and Herbita

The date of the tablets has not been definitely established. It seems most likely that they were all written in the middle of the 3rd century B.C., but some scholars prefer a date in the late 4th century. It appears that, shortly before they were written, the inhabitants of Entella had been forced to abandon their homes, and the word 'synoecism' which often appears in the decrees here has the meaning of 'resettlement by its scattered inhabitants'.

The most easily accessible and informative account of the tablets in English is a review by J. Prag ( BMCR ).  In Italian, there is a lot of information from the 2001 exhibition on the SNS Pisa website ( ). The translation of C1 is adapted from R. Souza, in "From Document to History: Epigraphic Insights into the Greco-Roman World", p. 97 ( Google Books ).

[A1]   When the archons were Artemidoros son of Eielos and Gnaeus Oppius, on the first day of Panamos. Since some of the cities have assisted with corn for the resettlement {synoikismos} of our city - some have given it as a gift to the city and others have provided it - and they have shown great goodwill towards the people of Entella, 10 and they have created a plentiful supply of corn instead of a shortage; therefore it was resolved by the council that whichever cities have assisted with corn or money or in any other way for the resettlement of the city shall have goodwill and isopoliteia with the people of Entella for all time: and they shall be invited to privileged seating at the games; and that any private individuals, who have assisted the city with corn for its resettlement, shall be proxenoi of the city of Entella, both themselves and their children.   This was resolved also by the assembly.

The archons shall inscribe this decree on a bronze tablet and set it up in the 30 council-house.

[B1]   When the archons were Kipos son of Sōios and Theodoros son of Mamos, on the thirtieth day of Eumenideios; it was resolved by the council: since Tiberius Claudius of Antium, the son of Gaius, who was appointed to be overseer {epimelētas} of our city, has rendered many great services to the community, and has acted as a good man in the resettlement {synoikismos} of the city, on every occasion; therefore it is resolved that he shall be a proxenos of the people of Entella, 10 both himself and his children, so that others may realise that our people is able to show suitable gratitude to good men. The archons shall inscribe this decree on a bronze tablet and set it up in the council-house.   This was resolved by the assembly on the fourth day of Eueneios.

[C1]   When Leukios son of Pakkios was hieromnamon, on the twenty-sixth day of Eumenideios. It was [resolved] by the assembly along with the council: since in previous times there existed isopoliteia  between us and the Assorinoi, and similarly even now while we are resettling our city they have provided services to the 10 best of their ability, it is resolved that the people of Entella are to have the isopoliteia  with the Assorinoi that existed from the beginning, as well as friendship and goodwill; and that they shall be invited to the games. The archons shall write this decree on a bronze tablet and set it up in the temple of Hestia, so that there may be a memorial 20 for posterity of the goodwill and isopoliteia  that exists with the Assorinoi.   Decree about the Assorinoi.

[C3]   When Leukios son of Pakkios was hieromnamon, on the twenty-sixth day of Eumenideios. It was resolved by the assembly as also by the council. Since the Geloans, when we previously lived in this city and war broke out against the Carthaginians, came to the help of our city with horse and foot, 10 and entered into a treaty and contracted an alliance; and similarly now that we are living in the city again, they make it clear that they are mindful of their friendship and goodwill towards us; therefore it is resolved to record, writing it on a bronze plaque in the temple of Hestia, the friendship and alliance which exists between us and the Geloans; 20 and that they shall be invited to the games, and that we shall offer sacrifices with them; so that we may make it clear to future generations that we remember those who have rendered services to our city.   Decree about the Geloans.

inscription 211

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