This receipt was written on an ostracon. It is the earliest precisely dated example of Greek writing found in Judaea. The other language seems to be a local (Edomite) dialect of Aramaic, which is already borrowing a word (kapēlos) from the Greek.
The translation is taken from L.T. Geraty, " Recent Suggestions on the Bilingual Ostracon From Khirbet El-Kôm" ( PDF ). For some general comments on the text, see L.L. Grabbe, "A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period", vol. 2, 3.2.5 ( Google Books ).
{Aramaic} On the 12th of Tammuz, year 6, Qôs-yada', son of Hanna', the shopkeeper, gave [to] Niqeratos: zuz, 32.
{Greek} Year 6, 12th day, month of Panemos, Nikēratos, son of Sobbathos, received from Kosidē the shopkeeper {kapēlos}: drachmas, 32.
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