Many inscriptions similar to this one have survived from Hellenistic and Roman Thessaly. There appears to have been a federal law across the whole of Thessaly, that freed slaves should pay a fixed amount to the state; for a thorough analysis of the evidence, see R. Zelnick-Abramovitz, "Taxing Freedom in Thessalian Manumission Inscriptions" ( Google Books ).
This particular inscription shows very clearly the point at which, early in the reign of Augustus, a fixed exchange rate was imposed between the local currency and the Roman denarius. It is likely that Augustus held the office of strategos (lines 74-78) very soon after he adopted his new name in 27 B.C.; see B. Helly, "Le diorthôma d'Auguste fixant la conversion des statères thessaliens en deniers" ( Persée ).
When Antileon son of Epikrates was treasurer of the city for the first six months of the year in which Themistogenes son of Androsthenes was strategos, 10 these freed slaves gave fifteen staters to the city, in accordance with the law.
When Nikolaos known as 20 Kydas son of Nikon was treasurer of the city in the year in which Themistogenes son of Androsthenes was strategos, these freed slaves gave fifteen staters to the city, in accordance with the law.
When Alkimos son of Sokrates was treasurer of the city for the first six months of the year in which Eubiotas was strategos, these freed slaves gave 40 fifteen staters to the city, in accordance with the law.
[Payment of fifteen staters in accordance with] the law, which according to the directive {diorthōma} is equivalent to twenty two 60 and a half denarii, in the month of Hermaios:
When Nikias son of Paramonos was treasurer 70 of the city for the first six months of the year in which Imperator Caesar Augustus, son of the divine Julius, was strategos, these freed slaves gave 80 fifteen staters to the city, in accordance with the law, which is equivalent to twenty two and a half denarii, 90 in the month of Hermaios:
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